Set up street stalls and clear out billboards

⑴There are many people selling clothes at a street stall on my street during the day. They use small speakers to shout there every day. Is there a more professional sentence to tell me thank you?
When I go shopping, I often see people selling clothes. Vendors selling clothing on the street stalls attract many customers during the day. They use small speakers to shout loudly every day. Although this method is a bit noisy, it undoubtedly adds to the vitality of the street. However, I am curious if there is a more professional sales strategy? If so, please let me know, thank you.
The noisy sound of the small speakers has become a part of the scenery of this street, but it also seems a bit amateurish. I observed these vendors repeatedly shouting slogans like "clearance sale" or "fashionable clothes, special sale" through loudspeakers. While the messages are straightforward, they sound clichéd enough to make your ears ring.
However, I met several vendors in Guangzhou, and their practices impre ssed me deeply. They sell leather wallets that cost only a few dollars. Although I can estimate the cost at a glance, they have a unique sales pitch. They produced an eye-catching promotional poster that read, "Due to the arrears of wages and business difficulties caused by the boss of Wenzhou, the boss ran away. In order to repay the arrears of wages, he had no choice but to sell the wallets produced by the factory at low prices." This kind of story goes well with the story. Their hoarse cries make people feel sympathy.
Among the onlookers, many people were attracted by this sales strategy, and their wallets were quickly robbed. While I find this storytelling approach a bit exaggerated and even deceptive, it does attract customers. This made me think, although it doesn’t matter whether the sales voice is pleasant or not, providing quality service and being recognized by customers is the key.
In short, no matter what sales method you use, the important thing is to find a method that suits you and maintain integrity. Only in this way can street stalls accumulate a loyal customer base. After all, the quality of goods and service attitude are the keys to success or failure in business.
