
?﹏?Do you work in an advertising company and don’t sit at the computer all day long and draw pictures? You also have to go out and install billboards
Most of the time this is not the case. It seems that you are going to a store where people who make and dismantle advertisements. Their work is quite messy and there is no specific division of labor.
If you major in studio design, it is best to go to a graphic advertising agency or publishing company to do design. This way you can specialize in design!

ˋ^ˊWhat departments are required to approve roadside billboards?
1. Each city has different rules for roadside billboard approval. Generally speaking, it is divided into two parts: content approval and installation approval.
2. Content approval is the same across the country, and the advertising section of the industrial and commercial administration department at or above the county level is responsible;
3. The setup approval is basically: the road administration department of the highway bureau on both sides of the national highway is the competent department; the municipal department is responsible for the approval; The basic person in the district is the construction bureau, planning bureau, urban management, public utility bureau or the office manager jointly established by several departments.
4. The procedure requires you to provide your business license, contract with the customer, contract with the media owner, design manuscript, customer's business license, architectural structure diagram of the billboard, and floor plan of the billboard setup.
