How to make wall advertising stamps yourself

2024-09-21 08:03:50
本文目录一览How to remove advertising seals from walls
Clean small areas with banana water or hydrochloric acid, and paint large areas with paint or cement paint of the same color.
For seal advertisements such as phone numbers sprayed on the wall, shovels and wire brushes are not effective. You can use banana water or hydrochloric acid to clean small areas. Use the same color paint or cement for large areas. Apply paint again. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when cleaning with chemicals such as hydrochloric acid to avoid hurting your hands.
Zhang Sujuan, I hate you
Brother, you have to work hard and work hard. If you make money, it will be easy. I am as rich as my sister. When the time comes, I will find a good one and work hard like me!
My name is Sui Lijuan. I am 39 years old. I was born and grew up in Jimo, Qingdao, a seaside county-level city in Jiaodong. In the spring of 1997, I was laid off due to the bankruptcy of my employer. I have done a lot of business in the past 8 years, but I have not made any money. During the Spring Festival, my husband got a bottle of nutritional tablets from a friend called Drunkenness-Free. After taking a few tablets, he was indeed not drunk, nourished the liver, protected the stomach, and had no sleep. I thought it was strange that the phenomenon of drunkenness occurred. I thought for a while that if this kind of non-drunken drink was sold, the market would definitely be huge. So I pre ssed the phone number on the bottle to contact Rizhao Jizhishuo Bioengineering Co., Ltd. and learned the supply price. , I immediately sent money to order by mail (one box), but I didn’t expect that it was no longer sold in a few units. In less than two months, I have earned nearly 90,000 yuan. The company has now lowered the supply price to 6 yuan per bottle. , I engraved a few seals with my phone number, and planned to ask my husband to hire a few people to stamp the seals on the corridors of all family homes, and put up wall advertisements, so that the general public would know whether my dealership here is drunk. Next, I plan to follow the company's guidance and sell the products to towns and rural areas, and do a big job. The reason why I tell you this is that I hope that all sisters who want to start a business can follow the road to wealth like me. Sales of drunkenness is a very good way. It does not require large investments or running around. You can do business in a down-to-earth manner and earn a lot of fame and fortune. If you haven't found a way to get rich yet, you can contact the company directly. Friends who are interested in a career are welcome to communicate with me (0532-87597959).
Sui Lijuan, No. 1, Chengbei 1st Road, Jimo City, Qingdao Postcode: 266200

What are the differences between Cultural Media Co., Ltd., Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. and advertising companies?

There are certain differences between these three company names.

1. In terms of qualifications, there is no requirement for the registered capital of general cultural communication companies. According to the "Company Law", a minimum of 30,000 can be registered. If there are no TV series, movies, radio productions, etc. in the business scope There is no need to apply for pre -registration approval.

However, registered cultural media companies such as broadcasting, film, and TV series production must apply for approval documents or obtain administrative approval licenses from the provincial radio and television management agencies according to their business scope. The registered capital must be more than 3 million.

2. In terms of taxation, the taxes involved are determined based on the actual business generated and have little to do with the company name and industry. For example, if an advertising company is engaged in the cultural brokerage industry, the taxes paid are the same as those of a cultural media company operating in the cultural economic industry. When buying and selling products, the taxes paid are the same as those of a trading company.

Therefore, how much tax you pay is only related to what invoices you issue to customers, and has nothing to do with the name of your company. What type of invoices to issue can now be decided based on the actual business generated. The tax bureau generally They will be approved.

3. As for whether advertising production business can be carried out, the current commercial registration reform has relaxed the restrictions on business scope, so the difference between the companies mentioned above is only the company name and the main industry to which it belongs, and there is no other difference. . That is to say, the business scope can be chosen by oneself across industries. Except for the stipulated specialization and exclusive control of industry projects that require additional qualifications, others can be operated at will.

Extended information:

The general process of registering a company: 1. Pre-registration of company name, 2. Registration of company establishment, 3. Pre-approval, 4 , Deposit the registered capital of the enterprise, 5. Go through statutory capital verification procedures, 6. Approval of industrial and commercial registration, and obtain a business license (three certificates in one), 7. Recording and engraving of corporate seals, 8. National tax registration (the national and local tax registration certificate has been In one, fill in the local tax form and register with the national tax), 9. Open a bank account, 10. Open capital transfer certificate and transfer funds, 11. Statistics registration, 12. Social insurance registration.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Company Registration

What is the best speed to adjust the engraving speed of wall advertising seals?
Hello, the atomic stamp can only be made up to 12.8 The wear and tear is relatively high, it is better to apply the sticker directly.