Floor-to-ceiling billboard quotation details

本文目录一览⑴What are the categories and functions of common signs?
The business scope of Hubei Xiangyang Bobang Advertising Sign Co., Ltd.: various large outdoor billboards, signs, publicity boards, community guide signs, large advertisements at bus stops Production of light boxes, column light boxes, and floor-to-ceiling billboards; construction of street lamps and building LED lighting, LED screens, display exhibitions, and signage and guidance system projects; design, production, and installation services of road flags, newsstands, and publicity boards; other printed matter Printing
Printing is placed in an eye-catching location outdoors to achieve the effect of advertising. It is classified into landscape signs, environmental signs, ground signs, guides, etc., such as guide signs in commercial areas, road signs in residential areas, light boxes, etc.
The so-called signs: can be defined as installation methods such as standing, hanging, hanging, and sticking in different time and space environments, with certain production standards and various textures, and expre ssing the directional function or information function through text and graphics. identification device.
The specific expre ssion forms of logos are diverse: text, graphics, sound, images, photoelectricity, etc., and realized through media such as wood, metal, plastic, rubber, textiles, paper products, and LCD screens. Expre ss purpose.
Logos are usually expre ssed in shapes such as plaques, spheres, and cylinders. There are also various forms of expre ssion such as solid, gas, liquid, and photoelectric projection. Modern logos have developed into a variety of expre ssions through a variety of media combinations to achieve expre ssion. Purpose, among which the form of plaque is the most common. The following will focus on introducing some basic knowledge of signage.
Signs are divided into materials: there are wooden signs (solid wood and imitation wood), metal signs (copper, iron, aluminum, tin, titanium, stainless steel and alloys), organic signs, mixed signs, and closed signs. Branch light signs (such as neon lights, LED light source signs, blister signs, light guide signs), textile and paper brands, and various new car-sensitive materials.
Signs are divided into regions: there are outdoor signs (such as community signs, traffic signs, public welfare signs) and indoor signs.
Signs are divided by function: there are directional signs, industrial nameplates, certificate cards, medals, medals, nameplates, etc.

⑵Today, the urban management team came to our door and said they would collect tolls. The area we use is two meters outside the facade and 18 meters away from the highway. Is this within their jurisdiction?
Road occupation fees mainly include road occupation operating fees, property fees, gas fees, water fees, garbage disposal fees, TV maintenance fees, ID card fees, corridor lighting fees, etc.
1. Which department approves road occupation fees?
City roads and sidewalks are for public use by the state. The fees required to occupy urban roads and sidewalks are road occupation fees. Road occupation fees are administrative charges and are uniformly controlled by the municipal finance department. Road occupation fees are charges entrusted by the Provincial Price Bureau. 2. What is the charging standard?
Since 1992, with the changes in various policies, the standards for collecting road occupation tolls have also been changing. Although the country has tried to reduce various charging items, it has not stopped collecting tolls for the time being. intention. Article 8 of Liaoning Provincial Construction System Administrative Charging Items and Standards in Liaoning Price Fa [1992] No. 197 document stipulates: Urban road occupation fees are temporarily determined by the Municipal Price Bureau and the Finance Bureau based on the economic conditions of the region, taking into account the needs of enterprises and individuals. Develop charging methods and standards in terms of affordability and other aspects. Before the National Price Bureau and the Ministry of Finance make specific regulations, they will be charged according to the current implementation situation of each city. The urban construction and land departments in the same area cannot charge repeatedly. Our city's road occupation fee collection standards are formulated by the Municipal Price Bureau. The specific charging standards are: various pavilions and various temporary buildings and structures occupy roads, and they are charged 0.50 yuan per square meter per day based on the occupied road area; For store exterior decoration, 0.20 yuan per square meter per day will be charged based on the area occupied; for store decorations and merchandise materials occupying the aisle, 0.50 yuan will be charged per square meter per day based on the area occupied; scattered items For commercial vendors who temporarily occupy the road, they will be charged RMB 2.00 per stall each time they occupy the road; for those who occupy the road at a construction site, they will be charged RMB 0.50 per square meter per day based on the occupied road area; for those who bury floor-to-ceiling billboards and promotional boards to occupy the road, they will be charged RMB 2.00 per stall. For street occupation, 0.20 yuan per square meter is charged per day; for various markets, 50 yuan is charged per stall per month based on the street area; for convenience service stalls, 30 yuan is charged per stall per month based on the street area; Road occupation fees for various commercial motor vehicle parking lots are charged to operators at the rate of 0.20 yuan per square meter per day; road occupation fees for bicycle parking lots are charged to operators at the rate of 0.05 yuan per square meter per day.
3. Which department collects road occupation fees?
The charging standards are set by the Municipal Price Bureau. The Municipal Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau implements the charges based on the pricing of the Price Bureau. Each law enforcement brigade is responsible for collecting road occupation fees in the area under its jurisdiction.
4. Can the operator change the business location at will after paying the road occupation fee?
Road occupation fees are mainly fees charged to operators who occupy roads for a long time. After paying the road occupation fee, the operator has the right to use the street, but he cannot occupy the road at will or change the business location at will. Instead, he must operate on the street designated by the municipal construction committee and planning department.

⑶、Where should the two-meter by three-meter floor-to-ceiling billboards placed outside the square be approved?

The two-meter by three-meter floor-to-ceiling billboards placed outside the square should be approved by the city management bureau, that is, the urban management bureau. . Legal basis: Chapter 2, Article 11 of the "Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations". Outdoor advertisements, placards, galleries, windows, etc. set up in the city must be healthy in content, beautiful in appearance, and regularly maintained, painted or dismantled. . The installation of large-scale outdoor advertisements must be approved by the municipal people's government's administrative department for city appearance and environmental sanitation, and then go through the approval procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.

Documents required for approval of outdoor advertising:

1. Bring 2 copies of the business license of the store.

2. 2 copies of the lease contract.

3. 2 copies of outdoor billboard renderings.

4. Application report.

5. 2 copies of the property ownership certificate.

6. One copy of store location map.

Reference for the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Outdoor Advertising Registration and Management Regulations
