Which elevator advertising company to look for in Xi'an?

I、The owner-managed community in Xi'an made a profit of 830,000 yuan a year. How did he do it?

The owner-managed community in Xi'an made a profit of 830,000 yuan a year. This is how this community did it. They did not hire a specialized property company. Instead, under the leadership of the owners committee, they just hired Professional cleaning, financial, etc. staff. Without a property management company, it is basically the owners committee that conducts compre hensive management of the community. Most everything in the community is decided by the owners' committee. For example, the rental of advertising space in the community, etc., these profitable projects, in the past, most of the properties were included in the revenue of the property, which is pure profit. But now that there is no property, the money belongs to all the owners in the community.

In addition, the property fees collected in the community will have a lot of balance after deducting the expenses for the staff and deducting some accidental losses. This part of the money, plus the cost of renting advertising space in the community and even some parking fees, the remaining part, the owners' committee will buy some rice, peanut oil, etc. according to the number of owners and return it to the owners as benefits. It has to be said that this community is self-managed by the owners, which is a pioneer in community management. The owner's satisfaction is almost 100%, which shows that the self-managed community is successful and effective.

Xi'an's owner-managed community made a profit of RMB 830,000. After it spre ad on the Internet, netizens were shocked that the property management company could actually make a net profit before, with an annual income of one million. The owners were simply shocked. Many netizens expre ssed their suggestion that Xi'an Peace Garden's self-managed community model should be promoted to the outside world and properties that resemble "grandpa" properties should be completely eliminated.

The contradiction between the property management company and the owners is very deep. In the final analysis, the property management company has not found its own position correctly when providing services to the owners. In the eyes of the owners, the property owners are just the service personnel hired by the owners to manage the community. However, the property management staff feel that they are here to manage the community and are above the owners. This leads to conflicts between the owners and the property owners, which is almost an endless cycle. Nowadays, self-managed communities can achieve such good results and should be promoted.
