


⓵What are the typos on billboards?
1. At the entrance of the hotel: "copy" the meal
2. At the entrance of the car repair shop: "push" the tire with air
3. At the entrance of the retail store: "sell" separately
4. The door of the furniture store: "home"
5. The door of the decoration store: "huang"
6. Lost property advertisement: the "enlightenment" of lost property
7. The door of the installation company: "pre ss" "Decoration
8. The entrance of the car wash shop: wash the car with "wax"
9. The entrance of the hotel: "He" rice
10. The entrance of the fruit shop: "Bo" radish
11. Restaurant menu: Chicken "Dan"
12. Hardware store sign: "扦" seat
13. Sporting goods store sign: "LAN" ball
14. Fast food restaurant entrance: Big row "block" ”
15. Farmer’s market sign: “Tomato” eggplant
16. Parking lot sign: “Ding” car toll
17. Strict crackdown on propaganda slogans: Strict “Li” crackdown
18 , A certain airport banner: "Youth"
19. A certain traffic slogan: Overloading and overloading are "extremely" harmful
20. A certain canteen menu: Fish "Garden"


