Kunming billboard dropped by Kunming Media

本文目录一览⓵Where are the billboards in Kunming?
Confucian Temple Straight Street, directly opposite the Confucian Temple, or next to the Jingxing Flower and Bird Market. Old Kunming people should know the location. If you can’t find a taxi to the Confucian Temple, cross the road across the street. An old street is Wenmiao Straight Street.

⓶Reasons for the fall of billboards in Kunming
The main reason for the fall of billboards in Kunming is the long-term lack of maintenance and inspection, which leads to the aging of the billboard structure, material decay and loose fixings.
First of all, billboards exposed for a long time will be affected by the natural environment, such as wind, rain, sun, etc. These factors will accelerate the aging of billboard materials. Metal materials, in particular, are susceptible to corrosion, while wooden or plastic materials may become embrittled due to UV exposure. If these aging materials are not replaced or repaired in a timely manner, their load-bearing capacity will be significantly reduced, thereby increasing the risk of falling.
Secondly, the fixings of billboards, such as screws, solder joints, etc., may also become loose or damaged due to the passage of time and the influence of weather. If the billboard is not installed in strict accordance with the standards, or if substandard quality fixings are used, these problems will gradually be exposed over time, eventually leading to a threat to the stability of the billboard.
Furthermore, lack of regular inspection and maintenance is also an important reason for billboards to fall. Some billboards receive little or no maintenance and inspection after installation, which pre vents potential safety hazards from being discovered and dealt with in a timely manner. For example, if the support structure of a billboard develops cracks or rust and is not repaired in time, the billboard can easily fall due to strong winds or other external forces.
To sum up, the main reason why Kunming billboards fall is the long-term lack of necessary maintenance and inspection, which leads to the aging and damage of billboard materials and structures. In order to pre vent similar accidents from happening, relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of billboards to ensure their installation quality, and conduct regular safety inspections and maintenance. In addition, the public should also increase their safety awareness and avoid staying near billboards for long periods of time to pre vent accidents.

⓷Where to make advertising signs in Kunming
The places where advertising signs are made in Kunming are mainly concentrated in advertising production companies or professional sign making shops.
Kunming, as the capital of Yunnan Province, is a city with relatively rapid economic development, and the advertising industry is also booming. In this city, you can find many professional advertising production companies that provide one-stop advertising signage design, production and installation services. These companies usually have advanced production equipment and professional design teams, and can customize personalized advertising signs according to customer needs.
For example, an advertising company located in the center of Kunming provides various types of advertising signage production services. Whether it is a large outdoor billboard or a small indoor sign, they can design and produce it according to the customer's specific requirements. Such companies often have rich industry experience and innovative design concepts, which can ensure the best visual and publicity effects of advertising signs.
In addition to professional advertising companies, Kunming also has some small signage production shops. These shops may be small, but they also have considerable craftsmanship and experience in signage production. They usually focus more on traditional handicraft production and can provide customers with more detailed and unique advertising signs. Whether it is a large company or a small shop, Kunming's advertising signage production industry has shown a diversified and professional development trend, meeting the needs of different customers.
In general, there are many places in Kunming where advertising signs can be produced, and customers can choose the appropriate manufacturer or store based on their needs and budget. Whether you are a large advertising agency or a small production shop, you can find an advertising signage solution that suits you in this vibrant city.
