How to complain about the random installation of billboards in Shenzhen

一、Do I need to pay fees to the urban management for outdoor advertising?

You need to pay the urban management fee. They act in accordance with the law.

First, the urban management department is the department in charge of outdoor advertising and has the power to supervise and manage outdoor advertising.

Take Shenzhen as an example. According to Article 5 of the Shenzhen Outdoor Advertising Management Measures: the urban management department is the competent department for outdoor advertising settings. It organizes relevant departments to pre pare guidelines and special plans for outdoor advertising settings and is responsible for the city’s outdoor advertising settings. Supervision and management.

Second, outdoor advertising has a usage period, and you will need to pay again after the expiration date.

Article 19 of the Measures for the Management of Outdoor Advertising stipulates in detail that the validity period of approval for setting up large-scale outdoor advertisements on non-public land is:

(1) Wall advertisements are 2 years

(2) Three years for electronic display advertising and column advertising

(3) Five years for other types of advertising

Extended information:

Here is Shenzhen as an example. For specific details, please check with the local competent authorities. Shenzhen Municipal Outdoor Advertising Management Measures (issued by Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government Order No. 251 on July 15, 2013, revised in accordance with Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government Order No. 303 on January 14, 2018)

Article 5 The municipal urban management administrative department (hereinafter referred to as the municipal urban management department) is the department in charge of outdoor advertising installation. It organizes relevant departments to pre pare guidelines and special plans for outdoor advertising installation, and is responsible for the supervision and management of outdoor advertising in the city.

The urban management administrative departments of each district (including new district management agencies, the same below) (hereinafter referred to as the district urban management department) are the competent departments for outdoor advertising settings within their jurisdictions. They are responsible for the approval of outdoor advertising settings within their jurisdictions, and are responsible for the Supervision and management of advertising.

The municipal urban management department should strengthen the supervision of the outdoor advertising approval business of the district urban management department and formulate specific supervision methods.

Article 19 The validity period of approval for setting up large-scale outdoor advertisements on non-public land is:

(1) For wall advertisements, it is 2 years;

( 2) Three years for electronic display advertising and column advertising; (3) 5 years for other types of advertising.

If the land or building (structure) used to set up outdoor advertising is leased, the validity period of its approval shall not exceed the period stipulated in the lease contract.

Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia-Shenzhen Outdoor Advertising Management Measures

二、Which pedestrian street in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City has rows of TV billboards on the side of the road?
In the central area of ​​Nanshan, along Nanhai Avenue Haiya Department Store and Chuangye Road. But now it has all been demolished.
