
本文目录一览⓵Who should I turn to for large outdoor LED billboards?

Province Technology’s LED displays include:

P4.0 LED full-color display, P4.75 LED full-color display, P6.0 LED full-color display Color smile imitation display screen, P7.62 LED full color display screen, P10 indoor full color display screen, P10 outdoor full touch fiber color display screen, P12 LED full color display screen, P16 LED full color display screen, P20 LED full color display screen Display, P25 LED full-color display.

Province Technology’s LED display system projects include:

The overall project of LED and LCD hidden lead colorful curtain walls in entertainment venues, the large screen system project of luxury banquet halls, and LED display screens Leasing business, LED outdoor advertising system engineering and various types of company internal information release system engineering, etc.

⓶What size should a billboard be made in_What is the appropriate size of a billboard?
When choosing the size of a billboard, there are many factors to consider. There are many carriers for outdoor advertising, including LED light boxes, roadside billboards, neon advertising, etc., in various forms. For traditional paper sizes, Zhengdu paper has specifications such as 787×1092mm, while Dadu paper is 850×1168mm. Finished dimensions need to be reduced by trimming dimensions to accommodate actual installation requirements. For example, the ordinary poster size can be 1050px×1425px, while the generous four-part and folio sizes are suitable for 1425px×2100px and 1250px×1750px respectively, which are suitable for the production of promotional posters and commercial posters.
In the installation of billboards at the door, the hoisting of the steel frame structure is crucial. First of all, ensure that the wires are accurately aligned when hoisting the steel frame structure, avoid wire bites, and tighten the nut evenly. Then, hoist the metal structure of the advertising space, pay attention to the stable lifting points, smooth lifting, and align the steel frame structure at the appropriate height for connection. Ground personnel need to cooperate in adjusting the position of the billboard to ensure accuracy.
In general, the choice of billboard size should be combined with specific application scenarios, such as advertising forms, installation conditions and design requirements, to achieve the best display effect.

⓷What size should a billboard be made_What is the appropriate size of a billboard?

Outdoor advertising (outdoor advertising) generally refers to outdoor advertising materials set up for advertising or publicity purposes, often appearing in traffic Areas with higher traffic. Common outdoor advertisements include: enterprise LED outdoor advertising light boxes, roadside billboards on highways, neon billboards, LED billboards and multi-functional canvas tents installed on windows. Now there are even advanced outdoor advertising such as air balloons and airships. Advertising Forms. Positive scale paper: 787×1092mm, number of openings (positive scale), size unit (mm), full opening 781×1086, 2 opening 530×7603 opening 362×781, 4 opening 390×5436 opening 362×390, 8 opening 271 ×39016 opens 195×271, Note: Finished product size = paper size – trimming size Large paper: 850*1168mm open number (positive degree) size unit (mm) full opening 844×1162, 2 open 581×8443 open 387× 844, 4 open 422×58, 16 open 387×422, 8 open 290×422, Note: Finished product size = paper size – trimming size, regularity: 8K: 370*260, 420*285, 4K: 520*370, 570*420, 2K: 740*520, 840*570, general poster size (ordinary poster size), 1050px×1425px (width×height), generous four-part format, 1425px×2100px (width×height), generous folio , promotional poster size, commercial poster size, 1250px×1750px (width×height), 1425px×2100px (width×height), generous facing.

When installing door billboards, the steel frame structure should be hoisted first. When hoisting the steel frame structure, attention should be paid to the correct alignment of the wires during the drop to ensure that the wires are not bitten. After the hanging is in place, closing and tightening the thread should be performed evenly to ensure that the tightening thread is in place. Then close the second nut tightly. The second step is to carry out the hoisting work of the metal structure of the advertising space at the door. When hoisting the metal surface steel structure of the advertising space, attention should be paid to the strong lifting points and even parallel rise. It is raised to a certain height and evenly lowered to the steel frame structure for jointing. The person on the ground should aim at the jointing point and lower it correctly. After the crane is in place, the person on the ground will adjust the position of the billboard.
