
2024-09-22 18:59:10

˙▂˙How about Xinlin Commune in Panlong District, Kunming City?

Xinlin Commune in Panlong District, Kunming City is a private educational institution with fierce competition. The specific choice depends on parents and children. demands.

1. The elimination system of Xinlin Commune is pre valent. Even though the Ministry of Education clearly cannot disclose the results, Xinlin Commune is still ranked and eliminated.

2. The learning tasks are heavy and can often be completed by parents working together. It requires parents to devote a lot of time and energy, which is very hard for parents, but the results will be obvious if the children can persevere.

3. The teachers are all excellent and responsible, which can be seen from the recruitment requirements.

Methods to choose a correct and reasonable teaching and training institution:

Excellent teachers: one of the most important measures of a school’s soft power. First of all, teachers should have corresponding teaching qualifications. Secondly, teachers should have corresponding knowledge reserves. Thirdly, teachers should have a high sense of responsibility, follow the principle of "teaching without distinction", and be good at encouraging students to discover their respective strengths.

Complete qualifications: Whether the industrial and commercial and taxation business licenses are complete, whether there are training qualifications issued by relevant government departments, and whether the name of the institution matches the school-running entity. College names are used by institutions with academic qualifications stipulated by the state. Educators without academic qualifications are generally not qualified, so don’t be misled by the name.

Course system: Is it complete? Do you have the strength to independently develop teaching materials? Is the content of the textbook used original? For example, if the textbooks use expert books sold by other institutions or markets, it reflects the research and development capabilities and teaching potential of the institution from one side. The courses of such institutions lack the ability to update and track the market, so they are not a good choice.

Teaching conditions: Take a look at the actual teaching conditions of the training class you want to sign up for, such as whether there are relatively independent, quiet and relaxed classrooms, whether there are suitable indoor lights and temperatures, and whether there are corresponding teaching equipment. and safety fire protection facilities, as well as whether there are sufficient teaching (including practical training) facilities required for some special training courses with superior performance.

Reasonable charges: You should carefully check the school's charging items and charging standards to understand whether the charges have been filed, publicized, and valid bills can be issued. Provide children with the best quality educational services as much as possible within the family's financial capacity.