Does the billboard with yellow characters on a blue background look good?

本文目录一览I、What color of words and what background color can make the words most obvious and beautiful?
Yellow words on a blue background. Red letters on black background

II、Why is the Forbidden City plaque with yellow characters on a blue background?
Although the Forbidden City was built during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, a lot of it was destroyed during the wars in the late Ming Dynasty. What people see now are basically the buildings rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. So here is a sea of ​​red, yellow, blue and white, because these four colors are the basic colors of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. The walls are red, the pillars are red, the doors are red, and the windows are red, which repre sents power. The tiles are golden, the door edges are golden, the characters are golden, and the sculptures are also golden, which repre sents wealth. The bridge is white, the railings are white, the road is white, and the steps are white, which repre sents majesty. The plaques and decorations with gold characters on a blue background, and the doors and windows with red background and gold rims are not only the repre sentative style of the Forbidden City, but also repre sentatives of traditional Chinese culture.

III、Is the signboard with yellow characters on a blue background good?
Blue and yellow are contrasting colors. The larger contrast can attract more attention, which is good. Moreover, the yellow characters are light and bright, which makes people feel more comfortable. Feel!
