
作者:频叔阑 | 发布日期:2024-09-24 08:10:41

本文目录一览一、If you don’t understand, just ask what is the difference between NBA and CBA stadiums

First: CBA’s venues adopt European and international standards
FIBA standards: the entire The basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. Long length ratio: 28:15. The lower edge of the basketball hoop is 3.05 meters from the ground.
1. The court: It is a rectangular solid plane with no obstacles. For major FIBA ​​official games, the court is measured from the inside edge of the boundary lines. For all other competitions, the appropriate authority of FIBA ​​has the right to approve existing courts within the following dimensions: length reduced by 4 meters and width reduced by 2 meters, provided that the changes are proportional to each other. The height of the ceiling or lowest obstacle must be at least 7 meters. The lighting of the stadium should be uniform and the brightness should be sufficient. The placement of lighting equipment shall not obstruct the vision of the team members. The dimensions of all new courts must be consistent with the requirements set by FIBA ​​for major official competitions: 28 meters long and 15 meters wide.
2. Lines: width is 0.05 meters (5 cm)
(1) Boundary line: The court boundary line is at least 2 meters away from spectators, billboards or any other obstacles. The boundary line on the long side of the court is called the sideline, and the boundary line on the short side is called the end line.
(2) Center line: Draw a line parallel to the end line from the midpoint of the side line, which is called the center line; the center line should be extended 0.15 meters (15 centimeters) beyond the side lines on both sides.
(3) Free throw line, restricted area and penalty area:
1. The free throw line should be parallel to the end line, and its outer edge should be 5.80 meters away from the inner edge of the end line; the length of this line is 3.60 meters. Its midpoint must fall on an imaginary line joining the midpoints of the two end lines.
2. The ground area formed by drawing two lines from both ends of the free throw line to a place 3 meters away from the midpoint of the end line (both measured from the outer edge) is called the restricted area. If you tint inside the restricted area, it must be the same color as the tint inside the center circle.
3. The penalty area is the restricted area plus the semicircular area drawn outside the restricted area with the midpoint of the free throw line as the center and a radius of 1.80 meters. The semicircle within the restricted area shall be drawn as a dotted line.
4. The position areas on both sides of the penalty area are for players to use when taking free throws. The drawing method is as follows:
(1) The first line is 1.75 meters away from the inner edge of the end line, measured along the sidelines on both sides of the penalty area.
(2) The width of the first position area is 0.85 meters (85 centimeters) and is connected to the beginning of the neutral area.
(3) The width of the neutral area is 0.40 meters (40 cm) and is painted solid with the same color as other lines.
(4) The second position area is adjacent to the neutral area and has a width of 0.85 meters (85 cm).
(5) The third position area is adjacent to the second position area, and the width is also 0.85 meters (85 cm).
(6) All lines used to draw these position areas shall be 0.10 meters (10 cm) long and perpendicular to the outside of the penalty area sideline.
(4) Center circle: The center circle should be drawn in the center of the court, with a radius of 1.80 meters, measured from the outer edge of the circle. If you tint the inside of the center circle, it must be the same color as the tint inside the restricted area.
(5) 3-point shooting area:
1. 1.25 meters away from the sideline, with two parallel lines drawn from the end line;
2. The radius is 6.25 meters (measured to the outer edge of the arc) The arc (semi-circle) intersects two parallel lines;
3. The center of the arc must be at the intersection of the center vertical line of the opponent's basket and the ground. The distance between the center of the circle and the midpoint of the inner edge of the end line is 1.575 meters. Note: If the width of the court is less than 15 meters, the arc will still be drawn according to the above-mentioned radius of 6.25 meters.
The NBA basketball court is its own standard. The three-point line radius alone is 0.99 meters longer than the CBA radius, that is, 7.24 meters.
The NBA court size is 94 feet (28.65 meters) long and 50 meters wide. feet (15.24 meters)

Second: The billboards at CBA venues are different from the NBA: NBA venues and CBA venues have billboards. However, the billboards in NBA venues are one big piece. It's just below the technical desk. There are no billboards on the bench

In contrast, in our CBA venue, I don’t know whether it is because of greed for sponsorship or imitating European basketball, the bench positions are arranged Because of the extra billboard, the substitute players were blocked behind the billboard, creating a sense of distance from the audience. And everyone knows that the substitute players are important in the game. As part of the show, O'Pang's five embarrassing moments, the funny celebrations on the bench and the crazy towel-throwing are also frequent visitors. However, in CBA games, due to the existence of billboards, this feature cannot be seen in CBA. Most of the time, substitute players sit listlessly behind billboards, unable to resonate much with the players on the court, let alone seeing so many funny moments on the bench in NBA games

Other Three: Signal quality, flooring, lighting and even fan quality, three-point shooting range, number of spectator seats, lenses, etc. are also the reasons why CBA and NBA stadiums look different.

二、Why is the feeling of watching CBA on TV completely different from that of NBA?

The basketball atmosphere in China is very good. It has its own CBA, which has many very good players. The highest level of basketball in the world is the American NBA League, which can be said to gather the whole world. There are hundreds of the best players in the world and countless fans. People will ask why the feeling of watching CBA on TV is completely different from that of NBA. In fact, it is a problem with the equipment. After all, the money spent is not of the same level.

We all know that many superstar players in the NBA have countless fans all over the world, and the financial effect it brings is very terrifying. This directly makes the tickets very expensive, even for "big sharks" like O'Neal back then. "There are insiders, and even if you ask for a few tickets from the team, they won't give you one. It can be seen that making money in the NBA is very scary, so the money invested is also very powerful. After all, the players are worth so much, and the treatment must not be bad. Everything They all have the most advanced feeling. After all, China's CBA is still not enough, so the equipment used naturally is not up to par, so even if you watch CBA and NBA on TV, the feeling is different.

But if you can go to the scene to watch it, that will be the real feeling. After all, such a powerful player is attacking in front of you, it feels like a dream come true, especially when you think of some of the players’ classic scenes. , such as Kobe's back-up jumper and James' "Tomahawk Dunk", these are exactly what we feel shocked by the NBA TV pictures. If we actually go to the scene, the screams will probably be loud.

But the current development of basketball in China is already very good. I believe there will be many good players in the CBA in the future. Jeremy Lin is also there at the moment and he is indeed performing very well. This kind of basketball atmosphere can bring a lot to the country. Basketball talents, after all, there are more and more children who have been exposed to formal basketball since childhood. Such a future is very worth looking forward to, and there may be a second Yao Ming in the future.


三、Yang Ming was so angry that he slapped the billboard angrily. Will he be fined by the officials?

112-91, with strong defense, the Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team with two foreign aids defeated the Jilin Men’s Basketball Team in the All-China Class with a 21-point victory advantage and won the Northeastern Conference. Derby victory. After all, it is an all-China class battle. The Jilin Men's Basketball Team is missing one attacker at the scoring point. When other players are restricted, the offense will come to a halt. The Liaoning men's basketball team only needs to play steadily to gain victory in the game. After winning this game, the Liaoning basketball team won five consecutive victories and at the same time stabilized its top spot in the league.

Guo Ailun made 8 of 18 shots from the field and 1 of 3 three-pointers. He scored a team-high 22 points, 8 rebounds and 9 assists. Triple-double data. The touch on the outside is still not very good, and the breakthrough kill on the inside is still full of threats. Guo Ailun did not blindly score by himself in this game, but connected with his teammates and played team-style basketball. In addition to Guo Ailun, Zhang Zhenlin, Han Dejun, Zhao Jiwei, and Mayo also scored in double figures.

It is worth mentioning that there was a very interesting scene in this game. At the last moment of the second quarter, Zhong Cheng got a mismatch opportunity inside. , facing his old teammate Liu Zhixuan, he carried his butt and went to the penalty area to kill. Zhu Rongzhen and Cong La wanted to come over to help defend, but were beaten 2+1 instead, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the sideline coach Yang Ming. The angry Director Yang was so angry that he slapped the billboard directly. So the question is, will Yang Ming be fined?

The answer is possible. First, although the billboard was not damaged by Yang Ming, it is sacred and inviolable on the field. Players who sit on it will be whistled for a technical foul, not to mention being beaten by the coach as a punching bag. Its significance on the court is that it repre sents the financial sponsor of the CBA. Secondly, the CBA has been a little tight recently. Since being fined more than 50 million by Li Ning, it has not spent enough on operating expenses, so it is sharpening its skills against the players. Rich clubs like Guangdong and Liaoning have naturally become the main victims. Yesterday, Ma Shanggang was fined 20,000 yuan, and Yang Ming may not be able to escape.