Simple strokes of street signs and billboards

⓵What are the commonly used literacy methods?

Chinese characters, also known as Chinese, Chinese characters, and square characters. In ancient times, Chinese characters served as the only international communication script in East Asia. Countries such as Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and Vietnam have been deeply influenced by Chinese culture in history, and even other languages ​​have borrowed Chinese characters. Chinese characters are not only a communication tool, but also an important carrier for inheriting and promoting Chinese culture. At the same time, Chinese characters are also a golden key to enlighten wisdom and unlock Chinese culture.

In 1982, the famous British science magazine "Nature" published a short article that shocked the world. Scientists tested the IQ of children from five countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany and Japan. The results showed that the average IQ of children in Europe and the United States was 100, but the average IQ of Japanese children was 111. Why? Experts believe the key is that Japanese children learn kanji.

Some studies show that early literacy can promote children's intellectual development. Isao Ishii, a Japanese doctor of education, teamed up with many kindergartens in Tokyo to introduce "Ishii-style Mandarin education." Through a 7-year follow-up study, they found that children who started learning Chinese characters at the age of 5 had an IQ of 110, and children who started learning Chinese characters at the age of 4 had an IQ of 120. The IQ of children who start learning Chinese characters at the age of 3 is as high as 125-130, while those who do not learn Chinese characters after childhood have an IQ of only 100. In other words, earlier exposure to Chinese characters may improve children's IQ levels.

So how to learn Chinese characters well and make good use of the treasures of Chinese culture, especially to help children in the early childhood transition stage enlighten their wisdom and learn Chinese culture well? The "Xiao Ke Dou Young Learner Literacy" book published by the Xiao Ke Dou R&D team in January 2022 combines a variety of traditional literacy methods on the basis of following the origin of Chinese character creation, aiming to help children learn to read and discover the fun of literacy. , to successfully pass the stage from childhood to primary school, here are some examples:

1. Pictographic literacy method

The pictographic literacy method is explained by introducing ancient characters such as oracle bone inscriptions, starting from the Chinese characters The history of word creation is used to restore the meaning of Chinese characters. This method of literacy is different from mechanical literacy. Hieroglyphics come from graphics, and children’s understanding and memory of graphics are more in line with their own laws.

2. Zhishi literacy method

Zhishi literacy method is based on hieroglyphs, adding some symbols to expre ss new meanings. For example, wood and ben, wood is a pictographic character, and ben has one more horizontal line than wood, which repre sents the root of the tree, and ben is the character that refers to things. The method of referring to things in Chinese calligraphy emphasizes "seeing to recognize, observing to see the meaning". As long as you understand the principle, it will be clear at a glance.

3. Awareness calligraphy

Awareness calligraphy refers to combining two or more single characters to understand their new meanings. meaning. For example, the word "明" is a combination of "sun" and "moon", which means that the combined sunlight and moonlight will be brighter. There is also the word "林". The combination of the two characters "木" means a forest with many trees, and so on.

4. Phonographic literacy method

Phonetic characters are pictophonetic characters that are generally composed of a form side and a phonetic side. The shape side repre sents the meaning and the phonetic side repre sents the sound. , for example, when "Hu" is used as the phonetic side, "Hu", "Hu", "Hu", "Hu", "Hu", "Hu", "Hu", etc. all have the sound of "Hu", and these characters can be called pictophonetic characters. In addition, there is the word "ping". The pre fix "cao" indicates that it is a plant, and the "ping" below is the phonetic tone.

5. Environmental immersion method

Environmental immersion method, also called immersion literacy method, combines life scenes with words. Children's imagination is very rich. They can easily imagine their surroundings and understand them to help memorize Chinese characters.

"Xiao Ke Dou's Literacy Linking to Young Children" selects 394 commonly used words in daily life and high-frequency words in first-grade mathematics problems, which not only helps children smoothly connect to kindergarten It uses traditional Chinese literacy methods to inspire children's literacy wisdom and stimulate their interest in literacy. The content incorporates many traditional Chinese cultural stories, allowing children to discover and experience culture during the literacy process, thereby improving children's compre hensive literary literacy. "Xiao Ke Dou Young Literacy" also comes with stickers, study schedules, habit development books, etc., to increase children's interest in learning, so that children can learn to make plans, develop good habits, and learn Chinese characters well while playing.

Chinese characters are a treasure of the Chinese nation and an important part of world culture. Only by mastering good literacy methods can we maximize its value. Moreover, in the process of literacy, one can feel the charm of Chinese culture. In the continuous inheritance, development and sublimation, the deep accumulation and profound nourishment of traditional culture make Chinese culture shine brightly in the new era.
