Vertical anti-aircraft gun billboard renderings

作者: 叶仲桂, 发布: 2024-09-21 02:46:11

本文目录一览⑴Does anyone know how much it costs to build an outdoor anti-aircraft gun?
The cost is usually 128,000 yuan, excluding lighting and tax.
The cost of anti-aircraft artillery billboards varies greatly depending on the size of the anti-aircraft artillery. The general anti-aircraft artillery billboards are 6 meters * 18 meters, 7 meters * 21 meters and 8 meters Meter * 24 meters and other three-sided billboards as well as two-sided and four-sided billboards. The following is about the cost of anti-aircraft artillery billboards:
There are many specifications of anti-aircraft artillery. The specifications commonly seen are: Two-sided signs with a surface of 6 meters × 18 meters, 7 meters × 21 meters, and 8 meters × 24 meters, as well as three-sided signs and four-sided signs have different specifications and different prices. The most commonly built are 6 meters × 18 meters double-sided anti-aircraft artillery advertisements. If the total height of the sign is 18 meters, the cost of the anti-aircraft gun billboard is: 128,000, excluding lighting and tax.
1. Bolt ball grid structure advertising tower assembly, which allows users to make greater use of their own resources, save indirect costs to a greater extent, and allow users to reduce their investment costs;< br/>2. Door-to-door installation and construction (1) Bolt ball grid structure anti-aircraft gun billboard; (2) Steel structure anti-aircraft gun billboard. Behind the mass production of anti-aircraft gun billboards, raw materials are directly supplied by manufacturers, structural parts are mass-produced, and photo machine prices are achieved. The convenient logistics that extends in all directions allows users to save money and worry during the investment process, and no longer be troubled by difficulties encountered during the construction process.
⑵What is anti-aircraft artillery advertising

Anti-aircraft artillery advertising Anti-aircraft artillery is a type of outdoor billboard. It mainly refers to erecting tall and eye-catching billboards next to major sections of roads, including expre ssways, urban highways, overpasses, etc. Usually, anti-aircraft guns have two sides, three sides, and a small number of four-sided anti-aircraft guns. The size of the billboard surface is generally 3 to 1, such as a conventional width of 6 meters, a length of 18 meters and a height of 18 meters, a width of 7 meters, a length of 21 meters and a height of 21 meters, a width of 8 meters, a length of 24 meters and a height of 24 meters. It also depends on the road surface. Adjust the height of the column appropriately. Anti-aircraft gun billboards are generally made of steel frame structure, steel pipe and angle iron. Nowadays, there are also a few grid structure. A rectangular or triangular card surface is installed on a column, and the card surface is sealed with galvanized iron sheet or color steel plate. Make graphics or text on the card so that many people can see it to achieve the advertising effect.

⑶、Anti-aircraft artillery advertising-a form of single-pillar billboards
Anti-aircraft artillery advertising, a unique form of outdoor advertising, mainly stands on both sides of roads, airports and stations and other places with dense traffic. area. With the deepening of my country's reform and opening up and the rapid economic development, the advertising industry has also prospered. When designing and producing single-column billboards, people have higher expectations for their visual effects, size and economic benefits. The key is that no matter what form (such as a double-sided single column or a three-sided single column), the primary consideration in the design is the pre sentation effect of the advertisement and the safety of the structural foundation.
Double-sided single column and three-sided single column have their own characteristics. The former attracts attention with its two-sided display space, while the latter can provide a wider display area. When designing, we will fully consider regional characteristics and pre sent advertising content in an intuitive and three-dimensional way to ensure the effectiveness of information transmission. The specific design structure diagram intuitively demonstrates how this innovative advertising form skillfully integrates art and function.
Single-column billboards are not only a commercial promotional tool, but also a part of the urban landscape. Their design must not only meet commercial needs, but also be coordinated with the surrounding environment to ensure its long-term stability and safety. It provides visual enjoyment to pedestrians and drivers while conveying the advertiser's brand information.
