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虎孟饮 2024-09-23 19:39:17

What is a suitable name for a breakfast shop? The shop name should be concise and unique

In the process of opening a shop, we need to give the shop a good name for the first time. The shop name It seems simple, but in fact, the quality of the store's name will affect the future development trend of the store to a certain extent. Only by choosing a good and unique name for your store can you stand out in society.

A complete list of breakfast restaurant names

Huiyu Breakfast, Luotai Breakfast, Mutian Breakfast

Xuanlai Breakfast, Chuangmei Breakfast , Maitong breakfast

Yapin breakfast, Shuangzheng breakfast, Yashi breakfast

Yihan breakfast, Wangxun breakfast, Zhanhai breakfast

Ai Cheng breakfast , Lanfu breakfast, Jiali breakfast

Weili breakfast, Runai breakfast, Zhuozhan breakfast

Hongyang breakfast, Yiyi breakfast, Yuezhen breakfast

Sisheng Breakfast, Feisheng Breakfast, Lingquan Breakfast

Guipei Breakfast, Leihong Breakfast, Hanlan Breakfast

Xingcheng Breakfast, Xianlan Breakfast, Diqi Breakfast


Chuangyang Breakfast, Dianxiang Breakfast, Dingxiang Breakfast

Unique shop names

[Precious Food Shang] Zhen, indicating pre ciousness, describes the interior of this rural hotel The ingredients used are relatively rare, green and pollution-free, and are good for health and growth. Food is food, which is a characteristic word of the catering industry. Shang is a custom and habit, which means that the eating habits in the store are respected by the local area.

[Five Color Beans] Soybeans are a major category of whole grains, and soybeans can be divided into five categories according to color: yellow, green, black, brown, and two colors. The whole grain meal is named "Five Colors" "Bean" is intended to show that the ingredients in the store are mainly soybeans and are healthy.

Store naming method

1. It is best to name the store from the perspective of service. This method is to grasp the psychology of consumers based on their needs, for example, to highlight the characteristics of one's own products, or to indicate the operating characteristics of one's own stores.

2. The name of the store should highlight the local flavor. Each region has its own unique food flavor. If this is reflected in the name of the breakfast shop, it will not only retain local diners, but also attract a large number of tourists; especially those who want to open a breakfast shop in a tourist area , then you must take advantage of this, I believe your business will be more prosperous.