Indoor high definition advertising light box

1、Explanation on the production of advertising light boxes

Introduction: Today Xiaotu will introduce you to the introduction of advertising lights. Advertising lights are familiar to everyone and can often be seen in urban areas. Advertising lights have many advantages. The first one is that they are environmentally friendly and durable. Advertising lights use ultra-thin design technology and contain high-quality LED light sources, which are very durable. Advertising lights use low current power supply, which is safe and environmentally friendly. The second feature is that it is widely used and can be placed in many places. Let me explain to you in detail about advertising lights.

Production materials

Keel: made of wooden strips, angle iron or aluminum alloy profiles.

Light source: two sets of fluorescent tubes.

Panel: organic glass color plate or PVC color plate.

Bracket: Triangular iron frame.

Production tools

< p> Electric drill, cross screwdriver, screwdriver, hacksaw, wood saw, shovel hammer, hand pliers, small nails, latex, hook knife, wire saw, plexiglass glue.

Production points

Design: According to the design requirements required by the customer, formulate the size, color, font, primary and secondary arrangement of graphics and text, and horizontal and vertical placement of the light box. In addition, the brackets must be determined at the installation site. Calculate the size, font, and color of each character based on the design, and search for characters.

Keel: generally hexahedron. Materials: 20×20 or 30×30.

Angle iron: If possible, you can process it by yourself. If you have no conditions, you can process it externally.

Wood: use 2×2 cm The square logs are nailed.

Cutting material: Four lengths and four widths each. Subtract 0.5 cm from the length and width dimensions = the length of the wood. Saw 2×1 tenons at both ends, apply white latex paste and nail them on. The thickness dimension minus two material thicknesses + 0.5 = thickness length. Then apply white latex and nail it on. Water Cube channel advertising.

Aluminum material: Use base cabinet aluminum alloy material, the height, width and length dimensions remain unchanged. Saw it at a 45 degree angle and connect it with a plug-in.

Andon: Generally, two or three fluorescent tubes are used.

40W 1.2 meter long lamp , use a light box above 1.3 meters. The 30W lamp tube is 0.9 meters long and is used in light boxes above 1.1 meters. The thickness is generally 20-25 cm.

Upper board: When driving small nails (15MM), use an electric drill to drill a small hole first, otherwise the hard nails will crack. Just nail to the edge of 5MM. If it is more than one meter long, nail three , four is enough. Only 4 nails are needed for 20MM wide side panels. Drill holes in the side to pass the wires through.

Aluminum strip: Use 20×20MM aluminum angle, the length and width are 2mm larger than the best plexiglass plate. The aluminum angle head is sawn at a 45° angle, and the screws are nailed to the 20MM thick side, and the front includes regular script. The nails are never visible. Paste organic characters: Arrange the characters on the surface of the light box according to the design and lightly grid them, straighten the characters, and then paste them with organic glass glue. There are two methods of pasting, one is to apply organic glue with water drops, and the other Use a medical needle to suck up the organic glue and gently inject the edge. The second is better than the first. Check to see if there are any typos, missing words, reversed words, check whether each word is stuck firmly, and whether there are any missing words.

Clean: use small clean pieces Dip a cloth with some water, then squeeze some toothpaste and wipe it evenly. After wiping it evenly, dip the cloth with some water and wipe it over a large area. The water will not be too much, and the cloth will be wet.

In fact, there are many classifications of advertising lights, mainly ultra-thin light boxes, rotating light boxes, blister light boxes, crystal light boxes, light pole light boxes, etc. Advertising lights not only have a wide range of applications, but also look very exquisite in appearance, are ultra-thin and light. It has relatively energy-saving characteristics and saves 70% of energy than our traditional lamps. The use of advertising lights is based on light guide technology, which is very applicable in our lives. That’s all Xiaotu’s knowledge about advertising lights today.

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2、What are the better advertising light box brands and what are their advantages?

Preface: You can often see various light shows in cities, such as promotional posters or posters, which are usually made of advertising light boxes. Advertising light boxes come in large or small sizes and give people a strong visual effect, which is very suitable for the fast pace of modern society. Therefore, advertising light boxes are sought after by many people. The editor will share with you below, what are the better advertising light box brands?

1. Op Lighting

The brand Op Lighting often appears in our lives, and many of the lights used daily at home are manufactured by Op Lighting. At the same time, Opple Lighting is also on the list when it comes to meeting advertising lights. Opple Lighting is a well-known brand in Guangdong, China. It has made its fortune in producing three-color energy-saving lamps, as well as R&D, production and sales of LED and traditional light sources, lamps, ceilings and other high-tech products. Opple Lighting ranked first among the public's favorite lighting brands in a survey, so when you are choosing a brand of advertising light boxes, you can check out Opple Lighting.

2. Foshan Lighting

Many of them are from Guangdong, including Foshan Lighting. It is a large-scale backbone enterprise in the national electric light source industry and is far ahead in the country's electrical appliance and manufacturing industries. The quality of Foshan Lighting's lamps is very good, and the light source is more in line with human needs. In terms of advertising light boxes, the ones invented by Foshan Lighting are also liked by many people. Many people will choose to buy Foshan lighting products, so I think it can be used as a second choice.

3. Sanxiong Aurora

Sanxiong Aurora has been committed to the development and production of high-quality, high-end green energy-saving lighting products. From the first electronic ballast to the development of current high-energy, efficient and energy-saving products, it has been They all adhere to the original intention and bring good choices to the general public and friends. Sanxiong Aurora has been committed to building a leading brand in the industry. From its development to now, it has five major production bases and has become one of the most compre hensive industry brands in China.
