
1、You are a security worker on a certain street. One day on your way to pick up your niece from school, you see the large billboard next to you crumbling. What should you do?
As a street safety worker, I have the obligation and responsibility to protect street safety and to improve safety awareness at all times. When I face the situation in the question, I will handle it as soon as possible. :
First, solve safety hazards. I will confirm the location of the billboard, take a simple photo of the scene with my mobile phone, and find the relevant responsible party. If this billboard is installed by a nearby merchant, I will promptly explain the situation to the merchant through the phone on the billboard and inform him to do the reinforcement or disassembly work. If this billboard does not belong to the private property of the merchant, I will promptly contact the construction planning department and the municipal management department to inform them of the specific location and on-site conditions, and transmit the pre viously shot video to them, hoping that they will realize the situation. According to the urgency, we can immediately organize personnel to come to support with roadblock signs and other equipment to ensure the safety.
Second, solve the problem of picking up my niece from school. During the process of dealing with the falling billboard, I will contact my niece's class teacher and tell her that I cannot pick her up in time and hope that she can take care of my niece for me after school. At the same time, I will also contact my family and ask them to pick up my niece on my behalf. After school, we will continue to pay attention to the inquiry to see if my niece has been safely received.
Third, stay at the scene and pay attention to the situation. While waiting for the relevant departments, I will remind people passing by the billboard to avoid accidents to avoid accidents; I will also publish information on the official website, Weibo, WeChat, radio, etc. to explain that loose billboards on specific road sections may pose safety hazards. Please go there Vehicles or pedestrians are detoured.
Finally, check for potential safety hazards. After this incident is over, I will recommend that department leaders carry out safety hazard inspections throughout the street and rectify any safety hazards that exist. For example, whether the street infrastructure needs to be repaired, whether the cables are aging and need to be replaced, etc. The publicity and education on safety work will also be strengthened, and safety information will be pushed regularly through two micro-channels and one terminal to educate and guide residents to pay attention to safety issues around them. For example, merchants should pay attention to the installation of their own billboards, and residents in the community should pay attention to the placement of some items on the balcony. , to avoid falling objects from heights, etc. At the same time, the hotline number will be announced on the official platform and the public will be invited to participate in the supervision of safety hazards. Once they discover safety hazards around them, they can call the hotline to inform them.
Comments: Questions about conflicts between public affairs and private affairs often appear in emergency response questions. For this kind of questions, our basic principle of answering questions is still to respond first, then to slow down, because in this question, business affairs are involved. The situation is more urgent and the impact may be greater, so we put public before private. The main idea is to "connect with the responsible unit-implement the pick-up and drop-off of the niece-carry out on-site processing-compre hensive investigation of hidden dangers." Although the title is about advertisements on the roadside Card, but there is no attribution of responsibility, so you can make assumptions and contact the responsible department according to the situation. After handling it, you can solve the problem of picking up and dropping off your niece, and finally propose measures to avoid past mistakes and avoid future consequences.
