
Looking for popular science: What are the materials used in general inkjet printing and large-scale outdoor advertising production? What is the maximum size that can be imaged at once? ?

The main materials for large-scale outdoor advertising production are as follows:

Inkjet printing cloth: Inkjet printing cloth is a common outdoor advertising material that is lightweight, easy to install, and windproof. It is rainproof and suitable for outdoor advertising display.

Light box cloth: Light box cloth is a material with good light transmittance and can be used to make outdoor light box advertisements to improve the visual effect of the advertisement.

Stainless steel plate: Stainless steel plate has the characteristics of high strength and corrosion resistance, and can be used to make high-quality outdoor billboards.

In general inkjet printing type outdoor large-scale advertising production, the maximum size that can be imaged at one time depends on the specifications and performance of the inkjet printing equipment. Generally speaking, the maximum size that common outdoor large-scale inkjet printing equipment can support is about 3 meters to 5 meters. However, it should be noted that different equipment and inks may have limitations on imaging quality and size, so you need to choose the appropriate equipment and materials based on the actual situation.

What are the characteristics of acrylic light box sheets and wall acrylic light boxes?

Today, I will introduce the characteristics of acrylic light box sheets and wall acrylic light boxes.

Acrylic light box piece wall acrylic light box, the chemical name is methyl methacrylate, high purity organic glass plate. Acrylic sheets have a high surface finish and are resistant to external UV rays. Generally, high-purity acrylic paint panels last 8-10 years outdoors. It will disappear. The advertising system is high-quality advertising due to its many advantages. Next, we will discuss the characteristics and classification of acrylic light boxes, and understand the prices of acrylic light boxes.

Function of acrylic light box

What are the characteristics of acrylic light box wall acrylic light box? Among the many light box product categories, light boxes that are high-quality products include acrylic light boxes with the following functions:

As we all know, acrylic light boxes are light boxes made of acrylic sheets. Acrylic board itself is a high-quality raw material. Therefore, acrylic light boxes are weather-resistant and suitable for everyone. It is used in windproof, sunproof and rainproof climatic environments, and maintains the original characteristics of the city when used for a long time.

Acrylic sheet is a transparent organic glass material with a light transmittance higher than 92%. Therefore, the light box is used to make it very transparent and the display effect is very good.

Acrylic light box wall acrylic panels are films that respect the environment. As a result, the light boxes used provide excellent environmental performance. It does not release toxic gases when burned and will not affect long-term contact with the human body. Healthy human body.

Acrylic light boxes have excellent processing capabilities. When we reprocess, we can use machining or thermal processing. If you need to decorate the surface, you can use screen printing, spraying, vacuum coating, etc. to treat the surface.

What are the characteristics of acrylic light box wall acrylic light box? Acrylic light boxes have excellent overall functionality. Acrylic light boxes are available in a variety of colors and colors to meet consumer needs.

I hope everyone can get something and everyone will introduce the function of acrylic light box if someone asks you.

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