Under the new regulations, English is no longer allowed on billboards
2024-09-24 08:11:08
壹、How is Liaoning abcdef arranged?

Liaoning's a, b, c, d, e, f license plates are arranged according to the city.

Liao A Shenyang City, Liao B Dalian City, Liao C Anshan City, Liao D Fushun City, Liao E Benxi City, Liao F Dandong City, Liao G Jinzhou City, Liao H Yingkou City, Liao J Fuxin City, Liao K Liaoyang City, Liao L Panjin City, Liao M Tieling City, Liao N Chaoyang City, Liao P Huludao City.

Usually the first Chinese character at the beginning of the license plate is the abbreviation of province, municipality or autonomous region, which repre sents the provincial administrative region where the vehicle’s registered residence is located. For example, "Liao" is the abbreviation of Liaoning, and the first character of the license plate is " "Liao" cars are from Liaoning.

The second digit of the license plate is an English letter, which repre sents the pre fecture-level administrative district where the vehicle's registered residence is located. Usually the letter "A" repre sents the provincial capital city, and the other letters are generally divided according to the status of administrative regions at various levels. Among them, Liao A is the license plate code of Shenyang, and Liao A repre sents the license plate of the vehicle in Shenyang, Liaoning (province/autonomous region/municipality). The information after the license plate is a random combination of five numbers or letters, which is used to distinguish the vehicle. It is equivalent to the vehicle's ID number.

Precautions for installing car license plates

1. No advertisements: If the license plate has a sales advertisement, according to the new regulations, this kind of license plate holder Not available.

2. Suspension position: The suspension position of the license plate should not affect the safe driving of the motor vehicle and the recognition of the license plate. This oblique hanging method may cause the license plate to be unable to be fully captured in bayonet photography.

3. The mounting holes are particular: the vehicle license plate mounting holes must have a special seal that can repre sent the local abbreviation mark. If the car owner only installs two sealing devices, it does not comply with the country's expre ss regulations. The correct approach is that the four mounting holes of the front and rear number plates should be installed with sealing devices.