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当前位置:首页 > 广告牌 > Which app should I use for billboard reporting?

Which app should I use for billboard reporting?

发布时间:2024-09-20 22:27:36 作者:ら魔粉の晓涛
本文目录一览1、What things need to be reported to the urban management team?
Set up stalls, outdoor activities, and set up billboards

2、How to apply for approval of billboards on WeChat
You can apply accordingly by paying attention to the facade signs on WeChat.
After viewing it on the mobile phone, click on the word "Facade Signboard" to enter the mini program. First, the "3 Minutes to Understand Wuhan City Facade Signboard Setting Standards" page will pop up, and then directly enter the "Signboard Standard Setting Consultation and Review" procedure, fill out the After registering the relevant information, upload relevant certification images and submit to complete the filing application.
In order to promote the implementation of the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses", in accordance with the requirements of the two municipal governments on refined urban management, the Jianghan District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau launched a small program for setting up signboards to implement online declaration and filing of facade signboards, so that People can apply online without leaving home.

3、What information is required for approval of advertising signs? Can the store manager go and approve the door?
Required materials:
1. 2 copies of the store business license or industrial and commercial name approval;
2. 2 copies of the rental contract;
3. 2 copies of the renderings of the outdoor billboard. The renderings must be in color. When shooting, you should take photos of about 80cm above and below the door.
4. Application report, including setting location, release time, content, form, specifications, quantity; in duplicate.
5. 2 copies of the property ownership certificate;
6. 1 copy of the store location map. This map can be downloaded from Baidu or other websites, but the specific location of the store must be marked on the map
Store manager Approval of door head
1. Merchants first go to the urban management and supervision squadron in the jurisdiction to apply for a door head establishment permit and obtain the opinions of the urban management and supervision squadron in the jurisdiction;
2. Go to the convenience center in each district with the opinions of the urban management and supervision squadron. Apply for a door setting permit;
3. After the convenience center agrees with its application, it takes the application to the urban management and supervision squadron within its jurisdiction. The squadron will issue the merchant an urban outdoor door sign setting and facade decoration permit and the municipal A copy of the license for setting up outdoor advertising facilities. Only with these two certificates can the merchant carry out advertising installation and decoration. However, it must be noted that the construction must be completed within the date specified in the two certificates. If it cannot be completed on time within the time limit, if an extension is needed, it should be submitted to Apply to the urban management department.
4. After the decoration is completed, report it to the urban management and supervision squadron within the jurisdiction. The urban management and supervision squadron will go to the site to inspect the completed outdoor advertising. After the application specifications and styles are correct, the Kunming City Outdoor Advertising Facilities Installation Permit will be renewed ( original).
5. In addition, the license for setting up outdoor advertising facilities is reviewed once a year. If you want to continue to use it after the expiration, the merchant should submit an application for setting up the facilities in accordance with the relevant regulations within 30 days before the expiration, and go through the approval procedures again. If the application is not processed within the time limit, formalities will be considered as illegal settings.