
Specific issues to pay attention to when painting wall advertisements on house walls

Nowadays, people’s lives are gradually improving. The pursuit of artistic taste in life is also increasing. With the continuous rise of murals. Many people also choose to use murals to enrich their small houses, and more owners choose to use murals to enrich their stores, such as Internet cafes, theme hotels, theme parks, restaurants, etc. There are murals. Indeed, wall paintings can pre sent good visual effects and highlight themes when creating indoor spaces, so they are a good choice. So when choosing a mural, not many people have many concerns in their hearts. The following are issues to pay attention to when painting wall advertisements.

One thing to note about wall painting and wall advertising: what kind of materials For wall painting? Will it produce toxic substances that are harmful to humans? Wall paint generally uses advertising paint (acrylic), which is a non-toxic and odorless advertising paint. It is more suitable for painting on the wall. It is specially designed for outdoor wall advertising. The product is environmentally friendly and not easy to fade.

Attention to wall painting and wall advertising Two: The service life of wall paint. Generally speaking, wall paint is used in the room. If the wall surface is not peeling and damp, the service life of indoor wall paint can be more than 5 years due to problems with the wall itself. If it is outdoors, a certain degree of color loss may occur based on natural factors, such as sunlight, weathering, etc., and based on the actual conditions of the outdoor site. (In fact, murals have strong adhesion)

Wall painting and wall advertising note three: What are the specific charging standards for wall paint? The charging standard for wall paintings is based on the content of the painting chosen by the customer, so many customers ask how much one square meter costs. There is no fixed answer to this question. Wall coating charging standards are based on the specific coating content selected by the customer. After all, for purely handmade products, the painting content is different, and the required man-hours and processes must be different.

Wall Painting Wall Advertising Note 4: Can the mural show the effect you want? There are many mural studios on the market now, and the painting level of the painter varies from person to person. Therefore, when choosing a mural company, you must find a mural studio or company with a strong reputation. The above is an introduction to the issues to pay attention to when painting wall advertisements on walls.

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Shangqiu wall painting design cost

How much does Shangqiu wall painting design cost generally. If you want to make an advertising wall advertisement, the price per square meter is usually more than 1,000 yuan. If you want to make a photo inkjet promotional picture, it is usually more than 3,000 yuan. If you do wall advertising, the price is usually about 500 square meters. If you are an advertiser, the price is generally higher. If you only do wall advertising, the service scope is relatively limited, and the price is relatively cheap. Generally, the price is 800-1,000 yuan/square meter. If you want to make a wall advertisement, the price is usually more than 1,000 yuan per square meter. If you want to make a photo inkjet promotional picture, it is usually more than 3,000 yuan. If you want to do wall advertising, the price is usually about 500 square meters. If you are an advertiser, the price will not be too expensive. Our company also made a set of drawings for advertising wall advertising. Hope it helps.
