Where are there more billboards in Zhengzhou?

一、Is there still a Textile World in Zhengzhou West Railway Station?
No more. According to relevant news reports in Zhengzhou City, the reporter came to the old site of Zhengzhou Textile World and saw only the ruins after demolition. There are banners on some billboards fluttering in the wind. Here, the widening project of Xizhan Road is already underway, and multiple excavating machines are undergoing urban village transformation in Niuzhai Village.

二、What punishment will the urban management personnel involved in Zhengzhou’s “exhaust ladder” fall and death face?

Recently, during an inspection, law enforcement officers from the Zongzaojuehe Law Enforcement Bureau of the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Compre hensive Experimental Zone discovered that a company had illegally installed outdoor advertisements and ordered them to be removed. However, while the workers were still on the roof, the law enforcement officers took the ladder away, causing one worker to accidentally fall to his death while climbing down to the building. We learned from the Zhengzhou Airport District that the urban management law enforcement officers involved have been transferred to the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency.

Recently, law enforcement officers from the Zhengzhou Airport District Compre hensive Law Enforcement Bureau discovered during a law enforcement inspection that two billboard installers from Yiwen Printing Store were installing advertisements on the roof of the building. After investigation, it was found that the roof advertisement did not obtain the outdoor advertisement installation permit and only destroyed the procedures, which was an illegal construction. Law enforcement officials requested that the billboards be removed and that the tricycles and ladders used at the construction site were temporarily taken away while the workers were still on the roof. Subsequently, a construction worker accidentally fell while using a safety rope to go downstairs from the top of the third floor and died after rescue efforts failed.

On January 30, it was learned from the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Compre hensive Experimental Zone that after a pre liminary investigation by multiple departments, the relevant urban management law enforcement officers involved were dismissed from their posts and were later charged with suspicion of If they neglect their duties, the urban management and law enforcement personnel involved will be transferred to the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies. At pre sent, the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies have fully intervened in the investigation and will investigate the facts strictly in accordance with the law and regulations and deal with it seriously. After investigation, the Zhengzhou police also detained Liu, the owner of the printing shop, on suspicion of serious liability accidents.

The relevant person in charge of the Zhengzhou Airport Economic Compre hensive Experimental Zone stated that the incident will be handled strictly in accordance with laws and regulations, and the aftermath of the deceased will be properly handled.

Strict law enforcement must also take into account the safety of people's lives.
