Does the location where the billboard is hung on the first floor belong to the first floor?

本文目录一览+^+What to do if plaques are not allowed to be hung on the first floor and on the second floor

Legal analysis: The facade of a building is shared by all owners of the building, and hanging billboards requires the approval of all owners. . There are many such phenomena, but most of them are solved through consultation. In principle, they do not affect daily life on the second floor. In the end, if the negotiation is invalid, you can litigate.

Legal basis: Article 281 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China. The maintenance funds for buildings and ancillary facilities belong to the owners jointly. Upon mutual decision by the owners, it can be used for the repair, renewal and renovation of common parts such as elevators, roofs, exterior walls, and barrier-free facilities. The collection and use of maintenance funds for buildings and ancillary facilities should be announced regularly.

?^?Does the second floor have the right to pre vent the first floor from hanging plaques?
Have the right.
According to the query on, we learned that the second floor has the right to pre vent the first floor from hanging the plaque. The facade of the building is not the personal property of a certain owner, but is shared by all owners of the building, including the balcony facade. Hanging billboards on the first floor requires the consent of all owners. If a lawsuit is filed, the law will support the second floor.

ˇ0ˇDoes the commercial service plaque have something to do with the upstairs?
Nowadays, many street-facing communities have commercial outlets on the first floor. This inevitably causes trouble to the residents upstairs. So will the billboards of the shops facing the street affect the residents on the second floor?
This depends on whether the billboard is produced in a standardized manner. The national advertising law has clear regulations on the establishment of billboards, such as length, width and height. In order to expand their influence, some owners usually build billboards that exceed the standard, which is illegal. If the billboard is made according to standards, it will not affect the residents above. If it exceeds the standard, it may affect the residents upstairs.
