
本文目录一览I、What to do when operating on the road?
Those who illegally occupy the road for business shall be ordered to make corrections. If they refuse to make corrections or continue to operate on the road after repeated warnings, they shall be fined and the business items shall be confiscated. Wait for punishment.
How to standardize the business order and prohibit operating on the road
1. Operators of street shopping malls and stores are not allowed to set up stalls and display goods beyond the walls of doors and windows. Resolutely ban illegal activities such as setting up stalls on urban roads without authorization, selling or processing products such as aluminum-plastic doors and windows, iron guardrails, light boxes and plaques, and engaging in maintenance, vehicle cleaning, car beautification and other illegal activities.
2. Restaurants (snack bars) and barbecue restaurants on both sides of the street are strictly prohibited from setting up tables and stools and operating outside the store; open-air dining and barbecue stalls without shops must enter the night market operation point. Resolutely ban the illegal occupation of roads for catering operations without industrial and commercial business licenses, without health permits, and without temporary road occupation permits.
3. Strictly regulate the holiday promotion activities of manufacturers and merchants; without approval, any enterprise, unit or individual is strictly prohibited from setting up tents on any road section or in front of the door to hold promotional activities.
4. It is strictly prohibited for mobile vendors to occupy the main and secondary arterial roads in urban areas to set up stalls and sell commodities and agricultural and sideline products. Mobile vendors and traders must consciously enter the south and north farmers' markets to operate.
5. Motor vehicles should be parked in an orderly manner at pre scribed locations and designated parking spaces. Parking of all motor vehicles except motorcycles on sidewalks is strictly prohibited; violators will be informed of penalties or to be removed.
Legal basis:
"Urban Road Management Regulations"
Article 27 The following acts are prohibited within the scope of urban roads:
(1) Occupying or digging urban roads without authorization;
(2) Crawler vehicles, iron-wheeled vehicles, or overweight, over-height, or over-long vehicles drive on urban roads without authorization;
(3) Motor vehicles test brakes on bridges or non-designated urban roads;
(4) Without authorization on urban roads Building buildings and structures on urban roads;
(5) Erecting gas pipelines with a pre ssure of more than 4 kg/cm2 (0.4 MPa), high-voltage power lines of more than 10 kV and other flammable and explosive pipes on bridges
(6) Setting up billboards or other floating objects on bridges or street lighting facilities without authorization;
(7) Other acts of damaging or encroaching on urban roads.
Article 42 Anyone who violates the provisions of Article 27 of these Regulations or commits any of the following acts shall be ordered by the municipal engineering administrative department or other relevant departments to make corrections within a time limit and may be fined not more than 20,000 yuan; causing In the event of losses, the liability for compensation shall be borne in accordance with the law:
(1) Failure to promptly fill or repair defects in inspection wells, box covers of various pipelines located on urban roads, or ancillary facilities on urban roads;
(2) ) Failure to set up obvious signs and safety protection facilities at the urban road construction site;
(3) Failure to clear the site in time after the expiration of the occupation of urban roads or excavation of urban roads;
(4) Dependence on urban roads Construction of various pipelines, pole lines and other facilities without going through approval procedures in accordance with regulations;
(5) Emergency repairs of pipelines buried under urban roads and failure to go through approval procedures in accordance with regulations;
(6) Failure to comply with regulations Occupy or excavate urban roads in the approved location, area, and period, or need to move the location, expand the area, or extend the time, and fail to go through the change approval procedures in advance.

II、How much does a barbecue light box billboard cost?
Hello, if you are from the Northeast, please look down. The southern one can be ignored.
Plaques are charged according to size. I made a five-meter one that cost 1,800 yuan, a luxury type. There is also a small crisscross billboard below the plaque. Also the best. After all, it’s a facade, so don’t be stingy with the little money. Pay attention, okay. Don't let go at critical moments. Sharpen your tools first! I wish you a prosperous business and abundant financial resources!

III、Where in the urban area of ​​Changle County is open-air barbecue prohibited (where are the barbecue sites in Lechang)?

Notice on the prohibition of open-air barbecue in the urban area
In order to further improve the air quality and maintain the appearance of the city and environmental sanitation to improve the quality of life of urban residents. According to the "Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China", "Urban Road Management Regulations", "Shandong Province Air Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations", "Shandong Province Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Measures" and other laws, regulations, According to the regulations, the ban on open-air barbecue in the city is now announced as follows:
1. Areas where open-air barbecue is prohibited: Shouyangshan Road in the east, Baotong Street in the south, Beihai Road in the west, and Yingxuan Street in the north.
2. In the above-mentioned areas where open-air barbecue is prohibited, it is prohibited to have open-air barbecue, wall-mounted barbecue or provide venues for open-air barbecue or wall-mounted barbecue. It is prohibited to place barbecue stoves, business equipment, tables, chairs and benches, floor-standing light boxes and billboards outside the store. Hang light string advertisements with words such as barbecue.
3. All barbecue operators must install oil fume collection and purification devices, and perform regular cleaning and maintenance to maintain normal operation and meet oil fume emission standards. For those who barbecue food in the open air, operate on the road, do not install oil fume purification facilities, or install oil fume purification facilities but do not use them normally to emit oil fumes beyond the standard, the County Compre hensive Law Enforcement Bureau will impose penalties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Those who refuse to make corrections will be publicly exposed in the news media; those who cause serious adverse effects or consequences will be entered into the county's credit "blacklist."
4. Citizens are welcome to supervise and report open-air barbecues. Tel: 6288110.
5. This notice shall come into effect on the date of issuance.
Changle County Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau
March 13, 2021
