Special pc board for advertising light box

本文目录一览(-__-)bWhat materials are used for light box advertising?
1. Advertising light boxes usually use light sheets, and it is best to choose PC boards as the ridge material. This material can withstand high temperatures up to 145 degrees and low temperatures up to -55 degrees.
2. The main component of PC board is polycarbonate, which is made by co-extrusion technology CO-EXTRUSION. PC board is resistant to weak acids and neutral oils, but it is not resistant to strong acids, is not durable, and is not resistant to alkali, so it needs to add UV coating.
3. PC solar panels (also known as polycarbonate hollow panels, glass cards, PC hollow panels) have the characteristics of high temperature resistance and good lighting effect. It is processed from high-performance engineering plastic polycarbonate (PC) resin and has the characteristics of high transparency, light weight, impact resistance, sound insulation, heat insulation, flame retardant, and anti-aging. This material is a high-tech, extremely compre hensive performance, energy-saving and environmentally friendly plastic sheet. It is currently a plastic building material commonly used in the world. It has features that other building decoration materials (such as glass, plexiglass, etc.) cannot match. Advantages.

∪﹏∪What material is PC board made of?

PC board is made of polycarbonate material.

The following is a detailed explanation:

PC board, also known as polycarbonate board, is a type of board made of polycarbonate as raw material. Plastic sheets. Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic with excellent physical and chemical properties. This material has the characteristics of high strength, impact resistance, high transparency, light weight and easy processing. Therefore, PC boards are widely used in construction, advertising, aviation, transportation and other fields.

1. Characteristics of polycarbonate: Polycarbonate is a high-performance engineering plastic that has excellent impact resistance and can withstand the impact of high-speed particles. In addition, it has good weather resistance and has good resistance to UV radiation and chemical corrosion.

2. Application of PC boards: Due to its excellent performance, PC boards are widely used in many fields. In the construction field, it is often used to make sun panels, awnings, etc. In the advertising industry, PC boards can be used to make light boxes, display boards, etc. The aerospace and transportation sectors also need to take advantage of its impact resistance to manufacture components.

3. Manufacturing process: The process of manufacturing PC boards includes raw material pre paration, pre forming, heating and softening, molding and cooling. These steps require pre cise control to ensure product quality. The resulting PC board has consistent thickness and flatness while maintaining the excellent properties of polycarbonate.

In general, PC boards are made of polycarbonate material, have a variety of excellent properties, and are widely used in various fields.

●▂●What is PC board used for?
1. Engineering plastic board: In the electronic field, PC board usually refers to polycarbonate board, which is an engineering plastic board. It has good mechanical properties, impact resistance and transparency, and is often used to manufacture electronic components on computer motherboards.
2. Motherboard name: Since "PC" is often used to repre sent Personal Computer (Personal Computer) in the computer field, PC board is also commonly known as computer board or motherboard. It is responsible for connecting and controlling various components in the computer. A key component of a hardware component.
3. Classification of plastic PC boards: In the plastic industry, there are two main types of PC boards - endurance boards and sunlight boards. Durable board is a solid board with high strength and impact resistance, suitable for industrial protection, machine panels and other applications. Sunshine panels are hollow structures, divided into double-layer, three-layer and honeycomb structures, and are suitable for use in greenhouses, awnings, soundproof walls and other construction and advertising fields.
4. Multifunctional applications: These characteristics of PC boards enable them to be widely used in various occasions, such as light box panels, mechanical protection, lighting masks, advertising display boards, police shields, armored vehicle windows, observation Windows etc. Its lightweight, rough handling and processability make it an ideal material choice for a variety of products and facilities.
