
广告灯 · 2024-09-22 15:50:16
∩ω∩How to install the light box piece? Examples of pre cautions

Outdoor advertising uses a variety of light boxes, which are assembled from many accessories. For example, light box films generally require such products to display color. The ability is good, and the color resolution ability must also meet the requirements. In addition, the later use effect of the light box piece is also inseparable from the early installation skills. Today I will give you an example about the installation methods and pre cautions of the light box piece. Interested friends can understand and analyze based on the actual situation.


1. Light box production and installation process

Preparation of materials

Keel: wooden strips or angle iron ;Light source: two sets of fluorescent tubes;Panel: organic glass color plate or PVC color plate;Bracket: triangular iron frame.

Prepare tools

Electric drill, Phillips screwdriver, screws, hacksaw, wood saw, shovel hammer, hand pliers, small nails, latex, hook knife, wire saw, plexiglass glue .

Installation sequence

Design bracket → Cutting → Welding → Fixing → Install light box

Key points of production

First of all, a check should be made on the strength and load-bearing capacity of the main structure. If it does not meet the design requirements, it should be dealt with in time. After the pre paratory parts are installed, the store's lead-burning surface decoration needs to be consolidated, so the pre paratory parts are installed in advance according to the design requirements. When making a light box or pasting characters, be sure to distinguish which side is against the wall, and the underside of the side against the wall to draw out the wires. The upper side likes to get rainwater, and the other two sides get out, which doesn't look good.


2. Precautions for installation of advertising light boxes

The first issue to be considered during the installation process is of course the circuit problem. When installing advertising light boxes, make sure there is no leakage, otherwise it will leave safety hazards. Workers who install advertising light boxes are best to wear work gloves when operating to pre vent sweat from their palms from sticking to the stainless steel surface. Sweat is corrosive and will cause the light box to lose its original color and affect its appearance. Considering the issue of aesthetics, you should pay attention to hiding the wires during installation and not exposing the wires. When installing the light box, be careful not to take away the picture of the product, because advertising light boxes have extremely high requirements for aesthetics. Plug in the power plug and turn on the main power switch to see if the light is normal. If one side is on and the other is not on, please disconnect the power supply first, unplug the plug, and check the lamp holder wires to see if the lamp tube is loose and out of place; ballast Check whether the input and output wires of the device are loose, etc.


Above we have given you examples of installation methods and pre cautions for light box pieces. From this, we can know that generally speaking, light boxes are They are rectangular or cube. They are composed of several light box pieces assembled and installed together, so the connection at the seams is more critical. On the one hand, we need to use appropriate paint for decorative and beautiful treatment, and on the other hand, we need to ensure as much as possible Regarding the degree of coherence of light box pieces, the examples we gave you in Huailiang above are the steps, techniques and pre cautions for installing light box pieces. You can refer to this part of the information and learn based on actual practice.







