How to fix the billboard when the wind is too strong

⒈How to pre vent strong winds?
Listen to the weather forecast and reinforce infrastructure such as agricultural greenhouses.
●To pre vent lightning strikes, quickly cut off the power supply to all types of electrical appliances. Close doors and windows tightly to pre vent them from being blown open by strong winds, and check and tighten objects that are easily blown by wind, such as windows. If the glass is loose or cracked, please put a tape on the glass to pre vent the fragments from scattering if blown. Don't stay near glass doors or windows.
●When encountering a typhoon, quickly seek shelter in a hut or cave. If there is no such place, choose a safe place without the risk of landslides or floods, such as high ground, under rocks or in the forest. It is a safer place to take refuge. When you must continue to move forward, you must bend down and do not get exposed to the rain rashly. Damp clothes will take away your body temperature and cause physical imbalance. When encountering strong winds, try to lie down on the ground and escape to thickets. Do not hide under dead trees.
●Close doors and windows and go out less frequently. When a typhoon approaches, there are strong winds and heavy rain. Families should take pre ventive measures in advance, such as closing doors and windows tightly to pre vent rain, moving flower pots on window sills or balconies to pre vent them from falling, etc. At the same time, when a typhoon comes, it is easy for some large billboards to fall, trees to be blown down, and telephone poles to fall to the ground Therefore, citizens are best not to go out when a typhoon comes to pre vent being smashed, crushed, or electrocuted. Wait for the unexpected.
●After a typhoon or strong wind, if any glass is damaged, please replace it in time. Typhoons and strong winds may cause water and power outages, so pre parations for daily life must be made in time.
Typhoon pre vention knowledge: Avoid personal injuries caused by typhoon disasters
Several situations in which typhoons may cause casualties:
1. Strong winds may blow Toppling buildings and high-altitude facilities can easily cause casualties. Such as: various types of dilapidated housing, factories, sheds, temporary buildings (such as walls, etc.), projects under construction, municipal public facilities (such as street lights, etc.), recreational facilities, various cranes, construction elevators, scaffolding, telephone poles, trees , billboards, iron towers, etc. collapsed, causing crushing death and injuries. Therefore, before the typhoon comes, move to a safe area in time to avoid the above places that are prone to casualties. Do not take shelter from wind and rain in the above places.
2. Strong winds will blow down high-altitude objects, easily causing injuries and death. For example: balconies, flower pots on the roof, air conditioner outdoor units, awnings, solar water heaters, roof debris, scattered items, tools, building materials, etc. on the construction site can easily be blown down by the wind and cause casualties. Therefore, the general public is requested to secure flower pots and other items in time, and construction companies should organize and stack construction equipment, tools, and scattered materials to ensure safety.
3. Other situations where strong winds can easily cause casualties. For example: door, window glass, curtain wall glass, etc. were blown to pieces by strong winds, and the flying glass killed and injured people; pedestrians were blown down or blown into the water on the road, bridge, or waterside, and were killed, injured, or drowned; electric wires were blown by the wind The accident occurred, causing electrocution and casualties to pedestrians; maritime (inland) ships were overturned and sunk by wind and waves, and vehicles traveling on the highway, especially those on the highway, were blown over, causing casualties. Therefore, before the typhoon comes, the general public is requested to take shelter from wind and rain in a safe place in time, and try to avoid walking on embankments and bridges near rivers, lakes, and seas. Vessels should return to the port in time to take shelter from wind and anchor. Personnel must go ashore to take shelter from the wind, and vehicles must avoid driving in areas affected by strong winds. ●To pre vent lightning strikes, quickly cut off the power supply to various electrical appliances. Close doors and windows tightly to pre vent them from being blown open by strong winds, and check and tighten objects that are easily blown by wind, such as windows. If the glass is loose or cracked, please attach tape to the glass to pre vent the fragments from scattering if blown. Don't stay near glass doors or windows.
●When encountering a typhoon, quickly seek shelter in a hut or cave. If there is no such place, choose a safe place without the risk of landslides or floods, such as high ground, under rocks or in the forest. It is a safer place to take refuge. When you must continue to move forward, you must bend down and do not get exposed to the rain rashly. Damp clothes will take away your body temperature and cause physical imbalance. When encountering strong winds, try to lie down on the ground and escape to thickets. Do not hide under dead trees.
●Close doors and windows and go out less often. When a typhoon approaches, there are strong winds and heavy rain. Families should take pre ventive measures in advance, such as closing doors and windows to pre vent rain, moving flower pots on window sills or balconies to pre vent them from falling, etc. At the same time, when a typhoon comes, it is easy for some large billboards to fall, trees to be blown down, and telephone poles to fall to the ground Therefore, citizens are best not to go out when a typhoon comes to pre vent being smashed, crushed, or electrocuted. Wait for the unexpected.
●After a typhoon or strong wind, if any glass is damaged, please replace it in time. Typhoons and strong winds may cause water and power outages, so pre parations for daily life must be made in time.

⒉Chengdu Meteorology has issued a blue warning signal for strong winds. What are the safety pre cautions when strong winds blow?

Chengdu Meteorology has issued a blue warning signal for strong winds. Windy weather will have many adverse effects on our travel, so when strong winds blow, we must pay attention to the following safety matters: Reduce staying outdoors, reduce riding bicycles, try to avoid staying under billboards, and pay attention to ensuring safety in production and life. Windy weather will bring many negative effects to us, so in this extreme weather, we must pay attention to our own safety.

1. Travel less in windy weather.

The Chengdu Meteorological Bureau has issued a blue warning signal for strong winds. In such windy weather, we must reduce travel, especially people traveling by bicycle. Strong wind will affect the safety of our riding. Even when driving, strong winds will affect the stability of light vehicles. Therefore, in windy weather, we try to reduce travel as much as possible to ensure our own safety.

2. Stay less under billboards in windy weather.

Weather like strong winds will cause billboards to fall. Billboards falling from high places will cause great harm to us personally. Therefore, if we go out, we must stay less under billboards and try not to Under high-rise buildings, if something falls from a height, it is very dangerous and may endanger our lives. Therefore, in windy weather, in order to ensure your own safety, try to stay in a closed room. , to ensure your own safety to the greatest extent.

3. We must avoid the narrow tube effect.

Many people may not pay much attention to this. In windy weather, if you are walking on a long and narrow road with tall buildings on both sides, the wind will be extremely strong. This is the narrow tube effect. Narrow aisles will increase the wind force and bring us more serious harm. Therefore, if you want to go out in windy weather, you must avoid places where the narrow tube effect may occur.

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