Creative painting of billboard at store entrance

+ω+What is outdoor advertising and how to design outdoor advertising?

Nowadays, there are many forms of advertising, including outdoor advertising, multimedia advertising, paper advertising and other forms of expre ssion. Some people still don’t know much about outdoor advertising, so what is outdoor advertising and how should it be designed? Next, I will introduce to you what outdoor advertising is and how to design outdoor advertising.

1. What is outdoor advertising?

1. What is outdoor advertising?

We usually refer to advertising set up outdoors as outdoor advertising. It uses its own Or rented buildings, set up business advertisements through light boxes, electronic display devices, outdoor LCD screens, display boards, etc. We can often see various outdoor advertisements at bus stations, subways, airports, and on both sides of the road. Nowadays, outdoor advertising not only uses billboards and displays, but also forms of advertising such as balloons and airships.

2. Advantages of outdoor advertising

The reach rate of outdoor advertising is second only to television media. It can reach consumers at different levels through different placement locations. It has various options and can be chosen according to regional characteristics. Some outdoor advertisements are very creative and are more acceptable to consumers. Outdoor advertising takes a long time to publish, has simple content and low cost. It can avoid competition from other advertising and consumers can easily see it.

3. Disadvantages of outdoor advertising

Because outdoor advertising is mostly fixed in one place, its coverage area is relatively small, and its effect and people’s acceptance are difficult to pre dict. .

2. How to design outdoor advertising well

1. Simplicity and clarity

Simplicity is an important principle of outdoor advertising, which is generally dominated by images. Text is used as an auxiliary. The text should be concise and clear, and the pattern should be contagious and leave room for the audience's imagination. Generally speaking, the simpler the picture, the higher the attention value of people.

2. Environment

When designing outdoor advertising, you need to consider the regional environment. For example, on the sidewalk, generally people will look higher than their heads when they are 10 meters away. 5-meter outdoor advertising is more convenient. When designing advertisements, we can consider how to place outdoor advertisements based on distance, viewing angle, environment, etc.

3. Unique

Outdoor advertising must have its uniqueness to attract people's attention and leave an impre ssion. We can create visual conflicts through the ingenious combination of photoelectric art, and we can also attract people's attention by extending advertising items beyond billboards.

I summarize: I will introduce it here about what outdoor advertising is and how to design outdoor advertising well. Outdoor advertising can be based on different environments, its content can be complex or simple, and its form and style can also be diverse, such as spray-painting advertisements on the wall, etc. It is best to place it in a place with a large flow of people.
