
本文目录一览⑴How much does a Kabu light box cost per square meter?

The Kabu light box is a common advertising display equipment and is used in commercial promotions, exhibitions, outdoor advertising and other occasions. Depending on factors such as size, material, light source, etc., the prices of Kabu light boxes also vary.

Generally speaking, the price of Kabu light boxes ranges from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan. The specific price depends on the following aspects:


The main materials of Kabu light boxes include aluminum alloy, stainless steel, acrylic, etc. The price of the Kabu light box made of aluminum alloy is relatively low, generally between a few hundred yuan and one thousand yuan; the price of the Kabu light box made of stainless steel is slightly higher, generally between one thousand yuan and two thousand yuan; the price of the card made of acrylic material is relatively low. Fabric light boxes are the most expensive, generally more than 2,000 yuan.


The size of the Kabu light box is also an important factor affecting the price. Generally speaking, the larger the Kabu light box, the higher the price. For example, the price of a 1m*1m Kabu light box may be around 1,000 yuan, while the price of a 2m*2m Kabu light box may be more than 2,000 yuan.

Light source

The light source of the Kabu light box is also a factor that affects the price. Generally speaking, the price of a light box with LED light source is higher than that of a light box with fluorescent light source. Because LED light sources have longer life, save more power and are more environmentally friendly.

Purchase Suggestions

If you want to buy a Kabu light box, you can refer to the following suggestions:

Determine the purpose

First of all You need to determine the purpose for which you are buying a Kabu light box. If it is used for indoor display, you can choose the Kabu light box made of aluminum alloy, which is relatively low-priced; if it is used for outdoor advertising, you can choose the Kabu light box made of stainless steel, which has better durability and waterproofness.

Select the size

The next step is to choose the appropriate size. Choose the size according to actual needs. Do not blindly pursue large sizes, otherwise it will increase unnecessary costs.

Choose a light source

Finally, you need to choose a suitable light source. Generally speaking, the Kabu light box with LED light source is more energy-saving and more environmentally friendly, but the price is relatively high, while the price of Kabu light box with fluorescent light source is relatively low.

Choose a brand

When choosing a Kabu light box, you also need to consider the brand. If you choose a well-known brand of Kabu light box, the quality and after-sales service will be more guaranteed.

⑵The composition and characteristics of outdoor light box advertising

Introduction: As long as you pay attention in the city, you will find that outdoor light box advertising can be seen everywhere. Its brilliant colors and strong texture can quickly attract people's attention. Note that it serves as a promotional advertisement. So, do you know about the common outdoor light box advertisements? In this article, the editor of Tubatu will lead you to a detailed understanding of the relevant knowledge of outdoor light box advertisements, including its composition and characteristics.


Lightbox advertising is also called "lightbox poster" or "semi-permanent" street art. Compared with graphics and text, it has the best visual effect. It can even be used as a kind of facade decoration, and it is not easy to discolor or wear, and is easy to transport and install. It often appears on both sides of roads and streets, in movie theaters, commercial districts, stations, airports, docks, parks and other public places. While having a publicity and promotion effect, it also decorates the scenery of the entire city.


The composition of outdoor light box advertising

Outdoor light box advertising generally consists of a frame and mask, carrier and facility composition. As for the frame and mask, the size of the light box is different, and the materials used also change accordingly, but most of them overlap, such as steel as the main component, and glass or plexiglass as the pattern cover. Among them, for large light boxes, attention should be paid to the materials used for the base and frame - steel and stainless steel.

The printing carrier of the light box can be divided into paper, inkjet film, self-adhesive adhesive film, light box canvas and other materials according to the structure and production process. The facilities mainly refer to the auxiliary lighting of the light box, which should be designed according to the pattern structure, format, printing thickness, and materials used. LED lights are commonly used, and there are many types of lighting methods to make the picture quality uniform and soft.


Characteristics of outdoor light box advertising

Characteristics of outdoor light box advertising include pictures Large, far-sighted, wide-ranging, compre hensive, fixed and complex.

Large picture means that outdoor light box advertisements are usually displayed in the form of door headers, bulletin boards, and pole-type light box paintings. The advertisements are large and eye-catching;

People with strong farsightedness, It means that outdoor light box advertising transmits information through light, which can easily arouse people's interest and make people see and notice the advertisement in a distant place;

The wide content means that outdoor light box advertising has a wide range of applications;

Compatibility means that both text and color can be taken into consideration when displaying, and more content is displayed, which is convenient for advertising designers to better design advertisements;

Fixity and complexity mean that outdoor light box advertisements are generally displayed for a long time and have a fixed position. However, its production is relatively complicated.


Advantages of outdoor light box advertising

With the emergence of emerging advertising carriers such as LED[2] With the rise of light box advertising design, many people think that the development of light box advertising design has come to an end. However, "advertising light boxes will not be eliminated, but will have broader development prospects and huge market potential." According to him, Haoyizhan's indoor light box advertising has established hundreds of outlets in Beijing, and its products are exported to Southeast Asia. , Europe and the Middle East.

Compared with some other outdoor advertisements, the light box design still has irreplaceable advantages.

First of all, it can be used at night;

Secondly, with the addition of scrolling technology, the amount of advertising has increased exponentially, and an advertising light box can hold up to more than 10 different advertisements;

Third, with the development of ultra-thin rolling light boxes Appeared, light boxes can break through the limitations of outdoor advertising and enter the indoor advertising market. Ultra-thin rolling light boxes hung on the wall have appeared in major supermarkets and stores. These advantages and characteristics ensure that advertising light boxes will remain invincible in the market. land.

After several years, the company finally developed the only digital rolling light box production line in China. The developed digital light box fundamentally solves the shortcomings of traditional light boxes such as roughness and breakage. The chip fully controls the operation of the light box. Not only can the advertising screen be accurately positioned even if the advertising screen is paused for a few seconds or minutes, but it can also control 10 LED lights at the same time through the chip. ~50 light boxes are linked so that they can move and stop at the same time, and the light spectrum changes can also be completely unified.

It is understood that Haoyizhan is interested in the development of ultra-thin, silent and environmentally friendly light boxes in the future.

Launched a small portable ultra-thin light box. Compared with the new darling of indoor advertising--the expensive LCD TV, the small ultra-thin light box is cheap. In addition, it is no worse than the LCD TV in terms of visual impact, attraction and advertising force effect. Haoyizhan's light box advertisements have partially covered some large supermarkets, hypermarkets and banks, and hundreds of outlets have been built in Shanghai. In the future, they will be extended to beauty and hair salons, buildings, golf courses and other places. "For the advertising light box market, indoor advertising does not need to involve layers of approval from government departments, and will have a broader development space than the outdoor advertising market."

For outdoor light box advertising , the light box must be checked regularly to pre vent circuit failure or aging, which may lead to fire. The above is the editor's introduction to the knowledge related to outdoor light box advertising. Can interested people get help from this article? If you need to learn more, you can check out relevant books.

⑶、How much does an advertising light box design cost per square meter?

How much does an advertising light box design cost per square meter. The price of general advertising light boxes is around 100-300, and there are many more. But in fact, some prices are based on cost. If it is a light box of 50-300 yuan/square meter, the level of the designer must also be reached. More than 800, but this does not mean that all designers are good, because the designers are all advanced designers. The difficulty of designing a light box mainly depends on its professional level and design cost, that is to say, whether the designer can reach the corresponding level. No matter how beautiful a good poster design is, apart from how innovative the design is, if there is no professional innovation, it will not be recognized by people. Moreover, the price of an advertisement is just like a piece of advertising. If the price of an advertisement can account for 25% of the entire publicity strategy, then the price is basically not worth it. But the heaviest and best ideas are not ultimately accepted because they are cheap, but are ultimately discarded because they fall short in all other aspects.
