Focus Elevator Advertising Price Hangzhou
2024-09-21 07:17:32
1、How much does elevator advertising generally cost?

As of November 2020, elevator advertising will be based on each screen, and 7 days will be a week. The price of flat posters is roughly 200 yuan/block/week; LCD TV is 250 yuan/block/week.

Generally speaking, there is no specific standard for elevator advertising charges. It is charged on a weekly/block basis, that is, one elevator advertisement is published for one week, without distinguishing between the nature of the building and the real estate area, and one price per city.

Compared with other outdoor media such as bus shelters and pillars, which often cost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, elevator advertising is considered a very cost-effective media. The standard price for elevator advertising will be adjusted every year. For specific prices, you can negotiate with the elevator rights holder and advertising manufacturer.

Extended information:


The placement time of elevator advertisements may seem random, but it is affected by many factors. influence. The best time to launch is not the peak season of the industry, but the time node that suits your own store. Or promotions, or the eve of store celebrations, any time that is unique to your store is the best time to put it. If you must place ads during the peak season of the industry, remember that the best time is to warm up before the peak season.

Many advertisers always have a trying mentality to launch elevator advertisements. Elevator advertising media is a form of advertising media that relies on time to develop. Short-term advertising cannot achieve immediate results, so it should be more reasonable. Extend delivery time.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Elevator Advertisement

2、Focus frame poster-How to replace the Focus elevator poster
How does Jinan Focus Media charge for elevator advertising. The poster kind? If you know, say thank you

There are two types of elevator posters: frame, 150 yuan | piece | month

LCD display 600 yuan| Piece | Month

Note: Minimum order is 100 pieces

15165189460 (Manager Liu Lei)

Which one is better, smart screen or frame poster

Smart screen.

The frame is generally a framed poster with a still picture. However, there will be no more than 3 framed advertisements in the entire elevator. There is no need to compete with other brands for attention. The advantage of elevator video advertising is that it has dynamic pictures + sounds to convey information. It is more proactive and powerful, but the disadvantage is that the time period is uncertain, multiple brands are rotated, the exposure frequency and exposure duration are short, consumers see the advertisement by chance, and the communication effect cannot be determined.

General elevator advertising companies include Focus and New Media, but national outdoor advertising companies like Guanglian Media also provide elevator advertising services.

How to replace Focus Elevator posters

Focus Elevator posters are replaced by a dedicated person:

Focus Media

Born in 2003, it created the elevator media advertising model. In 2005, it became the first Chinese advertising media stock to be listed on NASDAQ in the United States, and was selected into the NASDAQ 100 Index in 2007.

In 2015, Focus Media returned to the A-share market, with a market capitalization exceeding RMB 100 billion, becoming the first Chinese media stock. 2 The key to Focus Media’s revenue exceeding RMB 10 billion is to capture the core scene of the elevator. Elevators are the city's infrastructure. Elevators, a daily life scene, repre sent four words: mainstream people, must pass by, high frequency, and low interference. These four words are the core scarce resources that detonate brands today.

Focus Elevator Media, covering 310 million Chinese urban mainstream consumers and more than 2.6 million elevator terminals, was rated. China's advertising media has the most explosive brand power.

As of the end of 2019, it covers about 170 cities and regions across the country, including Hong Kong, China, and about 25 countries including South Korea, Singapore,


and Thailand. In major cities, there are about 24,000 elevator TV media equipment franchises, covering about 60 cities and regions across the country, accurately reaching more than 300 million white-collar workers, gold-collar workers and business people every day, occupying more than 95% of China's elevator TV market.

Since its establishment, Focus Media has actively participated in various public welfare activities, providing support for the

Wenchuan Earthquake

, Yushu Earthquake, Typhoon Morakot, Ludian Earthquake and Soong Ching Ling Foundation Association, Aiyou Huaxia Foundation, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation,

Eastern University

Million Scholarship to Help the Needy, Guangzhou Global Communication Alliance, Federation of Industry and Commerce to help the older generation of model workers,

Chongming County

The Poverty Alleviation Foundation and others donated money and materials.

And every year, a large amount of resources are allocated from the scarce media resources to carry out anti-drug, disability assistance, health, safety, transportation, public ethics, disaster relief and other publicity through all the company's media networks.

As of 2015, Chairman of Focus Media

Jiang Nanchun

As one of the founders of Aiyou Charitable Fund and one of the most important donors, A total of more than 20 million yuan has been donated, and Focus Media has donated more than 10 million worth of customized advertising.

Aiyou Charitable Foundation was founded by Jiang Nanchun,

Liu Chuanzhi

, Jack Ma and other entrepre neurs. As of September 2015, it has assisted patients with congenital heart disease. 31,867 children were treated and 6,003 children with leukemia were rescued.