What is the current of 12V 400W advertising lamp?

本文目录一览>﹏<How much current does a 220v to 12v transformer require for a 400W signature LED light?
A 400W LED light requires a current of at least 33.33A (400W/12V).
However, in actual applications, there is still some residual power left. Based on 70 to 80% of the full load, the current of a 400W LED lamp supplied by 12V needs to be greater than 45A.

∪▂∪How to calculate the current of a street light with 400 watts?
Power is equal to current multiplied by voltage: N=IU;
So current is equal to power divided by voltage; I=N/ U=400W/220V=1.82A
If it is a 220V power supply, the current of a 400-watt street light is 1.82 A.

o(╯□╰)oHow many amps of battery should a 400-watt light bulb use?
The capacity is determined based on the working time and battery voltage. If 400W works for 1 hour, the calculation method is, divide 400 by 12V and then divide by the coefficient 0.8= 42AH, for reference only.
