How to issue a receipt for billboard expenses

⒈I put a billboard on an electric car, and the car is parked in a designated parking space. The compre hensive law enforcement department took away the billboard on my car and fined me. Is this illegal?
What do you do? The advertisement may indeed be inappropriate, so it is okay to confiscate the billboard.
However, a fine may not be necessary. If a fine is imposed, you can ask the law enforcement agency to issue the basis for the fine and a receipt for the fine. If they cannot provide the legal basis for the fine and a receipt, you can refuse to pay the fine.

⒉A week ago, a truck crashed into the billboard of my snack shop. The driver caused the accident and brought someone from the insurance company to negotiate compensation.
Direct compensation can only rely on negotiation, you cannot force it.
Loss from business suspension can also be compensated, as long as you can provide valid evidence.
