How much material is needed for a billboard that is 5.7 meters long and 2 meters wide?


How much material is needed for a billboard that is 5.7 meters long and 2 meters wide?
1个回答 分类:广告牌 2024-09-22 21:43:26


⓵What are the practical application scenarios of BOE’s 1209mm bar screen?
The world’s first large-size innovative work! BOE releases 1209:63mm 4K bar screen

BOE recently released an eye-catching product - the world's first bar screen with a length of 1209 mm and a width of only 63 mm. Astonishingly reaching 20:1, it is known as the "big sword". This breakthrough size and resolution undoubtedly set a new record for display technology.

This screen not only has a 4K resolution of 3840x160, but also adopts a narrow frame design. The surrounding frames are only 6.4 mm, 6.4 mm, 5.7 mm and 7.3 mm, bringing users An unpre cedented visual experience.

Such a long bar screen is not useless, it has unlimited potential. First of all, in the field of supermarket shelf display, it can be used as a high-end display tool, taking advantage of its slenderness to vividly pre sent product information. In the field of advertising media, with its multimedia display function, it is gradually becoming a new advertising communication carrier, surpassing traditional billboards and light boxes.

In addition, in terms of intelligent transportation display, this strip screen can be used for indoor stop announcement screens in buses and subways and taxi roof screens to provide passengers with rich multimedia information. In the field of creative props and children's toys, it can even be transformed into a cool sword in the movie, or become a new playmate for children, which is very attractive.

In summary, BOE’s 1209mm 4K bar screen is starting a new display technology revolution in many fields with its unique design and powerful functions.
