Lie down and the billboard suddenly catches fire

2024-09-21 06:50:10

⑴A fire broke out in a snack bar in Zhejiang, killing three people including a mother and her son. The husband did not save anyone. Is this normal?

This is normal. Because before escaping, the man had tried to rescue his wife and children who were trapped on the second floor. As a result, he fell and suffered fractures. He was sent to the hospital for treatment after being unable to continue the rescue. At that time, he did not know that his wife and children had sadly passed away.

After the fire

It is reported that the man who was lucky enough to escape and his wife who died in the fire were from Anhui and originally opened a snack bar in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. On the day after the fire, the man's parents were planning to take the man's two sons back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year. Unexpectedly, such a tragedy happened the day before.

When the fire broke out, the man’s wife and two sons were resting on the second floor, while the man was on the first floor. The man wanted to go upstairs to rescue his wife and children, but the smoke was billowing and the man was blocked at the stairs. Helpless, the man came outside the snack bar and pre pared to build a ladder on the billboard to the second floor to rescue people. But who knew that the billboard's load-bearing capacity was limited, so the man fell down or fell to the ground. Because the fire was too strong at this time, people could only rush the man to the hospital for treatment. The source of the fire was probably on the second floor, so in the end, the man's wife and two sons under the age of ten were killed by the thick smoke.

The man just ran for his life because he was afraid of death?

Because three of the four members of the family died, but only the man was lucky enough to escape, netizens began to speculate on the man. The most important point was that they believed that the man abandoned him because he was afraid of death. The wife and children on the second floor escaped alone. I believe that as a husband and father of children, the man tried to rescue his wife and children as his uncle said, but was forced to give up because he could not continue to save people after the fall. Among people's various speculations, some even speculated that the fire that occurred in the snack bar was not an accident, but the result of the man's deliberate planning. Objectively speaking, this possibility is not impossible. But from a human perspective, this possibility is unlikely.

In any case, it is a very tragic fate for a man to lose three relatives in one night. People should not make baseless assumptions about a man's behavior without evidence. Let’s think about it for a moment, if we were the husband and the father of the child, we were already in extreme pain, and coupled with the random speculations and accusations made by uninformed people about ourselves, how painful it would be! Society should bring more warmth to the people living in it, instead of framed and framed people without knowing what is going on.

To say the least, it is understandable even if the man ran away without caring about his wife and children. Because when people encounter a critical moment, they may reflexively run for their lives without taking care of anything else. Like "Fan Paopao" who left his students behind during the Wenchuan earthquake and escaped alone, I believe his behavior was not out of selfishness, but because he subconsciously avoided danger when encountering danger. He ran away because of danger, and didn't start thinking until he reached a safe zone. Not just them, I believe that if ordinary people are put in such a situation, such a situation will also occur. Therefore, people should not accuse others from the moral high ground and forget to understand, understand and tolerate others.

It’s time to solve the problem of online violence

Because the man was the only one living in a family of four at the time of the incident, people ran away from the man. There were some malicious speculations about the reasons and motivations of the behavior, and some people even gave the man harsh titles such as "scum". This is not the first time that online violence has occurred in our society. Now, people need to face up to the problem of online violence. It is okay to speculate on the truth, but malicious rumors are unacceptable. There have been some cases of punishment for this before. I hope that after the truth of this matter comes to light, the relevant departments will also control and educate those who maliciously spre ad rumors and slander others.

⑵A fire broke out in a store on Yipede Street in Hengyang. What was the cause of the fire?

Relevant departments are still investigating the cause of the fire, but the results should be available soon. I wonder if the cause of the fire was accidentally caused by the store employees themselves. After all, no one is perfect. Although the probability of a mistake happening is relatively low, it is still possible, especially to someone like them. There must be various utensils and flammable items in the store. It is not impossible that a mistake may eventually lead to a fire.

But fortunately, there were no casualties in this fire. It only burned a lot of supplies and caused certain economic losses. It’s the biggest blessing that no one was injured. It’s just that the fire is not a big deal, but the occurrence of human life must be a big deal. Maybe everyone involved will be imprisoned, and human life is no small matter.

The impact of the sudden fire at the Yipeng Street store in Hengyang is still there. As bystanders, we must be vigilant through this incident. If this incident happens in your own store, you should what to do? As a boss, you must have your own way of thinking and acting. When faced with emergencies, you are the last person to panic. After all, the people below are still waiting for you to make a decision.

Although the cause of the fire is still under investigation, there are only a few situations that can cause a fire. As a boss, you must conduct fire protection education regularly. This is especially true for some catering industries. For example, important kitchen areas must be equipped with fire-fighting equipment. If a fire occurs, it can be extinguished in time, so that the fire will not occur or the losses caused by the fire will not be so great.

This fire caused the burning of the house and damage to various items, which will definitely cause considerable economic losses. If the fire was caused by internal personnel, compensation would even be required. The loss is not small. For an ordinary store, it doesn't mean it's a big deal, but it still requires a lot of bleeding. Isn't it heartbreaking to see so many losses? If measures had been taken in advance, this would not have happened.

Do you think this fire may be caused by the aging of the internal circuit? For example, the equipment has not been updated for a long time, causing the circuit to age and eventually cause a short circuit and cause a fire. This This possibility is not impossible. Some places can do this to save money.

However, I would like to remind everyone that it is you who will suffer the loss in the end. After all, everything belongs to you, and you need to compensate yourself if something goes wrong. There is no such thing as getting something for nothing. If you want to earn your share, Money requires a share of effort. For example, it is best to replace some old electrical appliances in time to avoid accidents and other accidents, thereby increasing the risk of fire. Just like this fire, the entire house was burned. I think there won't be much left of the items inside, as they were all destroyed by the fire.

Because it is understood that the fire at that time was already very big, and it had dyed half of the sky red, as if it were daytime. So you can understand how big the fire is. There are also fires that may be caused by open flames. For example, these places may need to use open flames, and it is very likely that fires will occur due to improper use. This is basically a purely personal reason. After all, every open flame should be used by someone. Only when it is used can it cause a fire. It is usually extinguished. How could a fire happen because of it?

Finally, this store fire reminds us that we must take good fire pre vention measures and have necessary fire-fighting tools to pre vent us from being overwhelmed when a fire occurs and causing casualties.