
壹、Trash can advertising style

Trash can light boxes, as a carrier of urban advertising information, have only appeared in recent years. In the past two years, they have developed rapidly in Yunnan and Guizhou. Yunnan Langpu is one of the top manufacturers in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and surrounding areas in terms of plant scale and professionalism. The forms of trash can light boxes that have been mass-produced in recent years mainly include

(1) Full advertising screen on the side to throw garbage into the front. The advantage of this form is that the negative impact of garbage on the advertising value is relatively small, and the advertising screen size can be maximized;

(2) Dumping garbage, upper part of the advertising screen. Its disadvantage is that the garbage discharge port is on the same side as the advertising screen. If the sanitation and cleaning work cannot keep up, it will have a negative impact on the advertising value.

Whether it is side-throwing or front-throwing garbage, and no matter what specific shape it is, the material is generally stainless steel plate Or galvanized sheet folding and welding box body, tempered glass as panel. . . . In addition, the lights can be turned on or off, and the electricity from street lights or solar panels can be used to provide power for the light box lights. . . . I hope my professional knowledge from a first-line manufacturer can give you some help.

In addition, whether it is side-throwing or front-throwing garbage, there are no standard products, and almost all are customized and produced by customers according to actual local needs.

贰、Are there any national standards for urban advertising light box trash cans?
As an urban advertising carrier, trash can light boxes do not have a unified national standard. This phenomenon is mainly caused by the following reasons:
First, the development levels of various regions in China vary significantly. For example, in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, their advertising facilities such as bus shelters have been developed for 20 years and need to be upgraded to adapt to changing needs. In less developed areas such as Yunnan and Guizhou, these facilities may not yet be widespre ad. This wide regional variation complicates the development of uniform national standards.
Secondly, advertising facilities such as trash can light boxes and bus shelters have only begun to be widely used in major cities across the country in the past decade or so. Due to the short development time, a unified national standard has not yet been formed.
Furthermore, with the development of society, the future trend is more towards each locality formulating its own development standards based on its own characteristics and needs. This means that urban advertising light boxes and other facilities will show diversified characteristics.
Take Yunnan Langpu Technology Co., Ltd. as an example. We are a well-known manufacturer of trash can light boxes in Yunnan, Guizhou and other regions. Based on our many years of experience, the main operating models of trash can light boxes in recent years are as follows:
1. Government-led model, that is, the government invests in construction and then outsources the operation rights to media companies. The proportion of this model is gradually decreasing.
2. The government will transfer the operating rights and provide partial financial support, and the media company will build and operate it by itself, and it will be responsible for its own profits and losses within a certain number of years.
3. The government will transfer the operating rights for 8 or 10 years without providing any financial support. The construction and operation will be fully funded by the media company. This is the model mainly adopted by city governments in Yunnan, Guizhou and surrounding areas, and is also the mainstream cooperation method nationwide.
For large and medium-sized cities, once the operating rights are obtained, it usually only takes one year or even less to recover all the initial investment without installing a solar lighting system. For pre fecture-level cities, it needs to be judged based on the local economic development level. The investment can usually be recovered in a little more than one year. Therefore, as long as the operating rights can be obtained, the return on investment is considerable, which also attracts a large number of competitors.
As for the specific operating procedures, since the management departments of each city are different, it is difficult to have a unified standard procedure. However, it usually requires the approval of powerful figures in the city government departments before coordinating various management departments to reduce operational obstacles.
