Will I encounter urban management when installing billboards at night?

⑴If I put a billboard on my car, will the urban management management take care of it?
If the matter is serious, take it down. If you don’t go ahead, go to the Urban Management Advertising Department to go through the formalities. It used to be under the administration of industry and commerce, but now it is under the management of the urban management. According to (city appearance and environmental sanitation) Administrative Regulations) and the Advertising Law stipulate that advertising banners must be hung. The door must go to the urban management to go through the formalities. If you don't go through it, you can be fined 500 to 5,000 yuan. I secretly put up the sign of my small store at night. The urban management of the small brand did not take me seriously< /div>

⑵There is a billboard installed opposite the room. It flickers at night and affects sleep. Negotiations with the owner have been fruitless. Which department should I report to?
You can complain to the competent department of outdoor advertising, because the principle of setting up outdoor advertising is not to disturb the public. Whether it is a legal billboard or not, it must follow this principle. Of course, under normal circumstances, advertising companies will comply with We have a good relationship with the competent authorities and will not take down the advertisement (even if it is an illegal advertisement) because of your complaint, so you can complain to a higher-level place, such as the mayor’s hotline, or the industrial and commercial department also has jurisdiction right. It is not recommended that you have to achieve the purpose of removing the advertisement. In the end, it is likely that the advertising company or the store owner will give you some fees or consumption vouchers, etc., and you can change to thicker curtains. The main thing is that as long as you can live in a balanced state of mind, it will be fine.
