rural wall advertising company

Price of rural wall advertising space
Wall advertising is the cheapest advertising. The price per square meter is 5-10 yuan/square meter. The profit of the advertising company is only a few cents per square meter. If one piece of advertising 30 square meters, the profit does not exceed 30 yuan, usually two generations of washing powder are enough

What funny and weird rural wall slogans have you seen?
1. Not long ago, I visited a village in Shandong, where the wall slogans left a deep impre ssion on people with their realistic and humorous style. For example, some slogans read: "Country Garden, a house is a must-have, and your wife will not run away; Evergrande is a famous city, buy a house early, and your wife will be better; go to Country Garden for dates, your success rate will double." These slogans cleverly reflect the value-added potential of local real estate. .
2. In addition, the wall advertisement of Haier air conditioner is also unique: "If you choose the right Haier air conditioner, your wife can sleep peacefully." This expre ssion seems to imply that a harmonious relationship at home cannot be separated from Haier products. protection.
3. Car sales slogans are equally unique: "Sold to urbanites at a higher price, sold to rural residents at a discount"; "If you don't buy the Great Liberation, your wife won't get on the bed"; "If you drive a car with 150,000 yuan, you will get a discount with 50,000 yuan." "Enjoy life"; "80% of the mine owners in our county drive Land Rover"; "A MINI, the love is as deep as the sea, and the girl can fall into my arms easily." These advertising slogans not only exaggerate the cost-effectiveness of the car, but also have certain meanings. country style and sense of humor.
