
>△<Should store decoration billboards be hung first or last?
Before opening the store, decoration and billboards can be carried out at the same time.
In the decoration design stage, the store sign must be well designed. Decoration is carried out first, and advertisements saying "Preparations for opening and decoration are in progress, please stay tuned" are hung. When the decoration is almost completed, store signs are installed, trial operation is carried out, and an auspicious day is chosen for opening.
The time from hanging the sign to opening is about two months. If it is too early, customers will turn from expectation to fatigue.
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There are many things to consider in the facade decoration design. The design of the passage must be reasonable, and it cannot be designed to be too narrow in order to place more goods. Design the facade decoration drawing first and modify it according to the actual situation during on-site construction. This can also achieve the final goal. The following editor will introduce to you the facade decoration design requirements and the sequence of facade decoration.
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