Is it necessary to post the 4S shop billboard on the back of a new car?

本文目录一览1、How to remove advertisements from the license plate frame

After purchasing a new car, you may find advertisements attached to the license plate frame. This is a method used by 4S stores to promote their brands. However, these advertisements must be removed after the vehicle is officially registered, otherwise they will face penalties from the traffic management department. Here is a simple removal method: first, moderately moisten the advertising area of ​​the car body, and then use a hair dryer to heat it at an appropriate temperature. The advertising adhesive will melt and lose its stickiness due to the heat, and the billboard can be easily removed. Note: This method is only suitable for advertisements on the car body. If they are on the windshield, they need to be treated with acidic substances or a polishing machine, otherwise the glass may be damaged, so be sure to operate with caution.

If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can choose to go directly to the vehicle management agency to buy special screws, remove the license plate frame and then reinstall it. This is convenient and avoids possible problems caused by self-operation. But be sure to avoid other methods that could damage the license plate frame or body paint, such as acid etching or scratching. Remember, protecting the license plate frame and the original appearance of the vehicle is key.

Finally, be sure to complete this step before placing the license plate to avoid being punished by the traffic police for violations. At the same time, we should also pre vent others from posting advertisements on the license plate frame at will, and keep the appearance of the vehicle clean and beautiful.

2、How do 4S stores conduct offline promotion?

1. Cross-industry alliances

1. Cooperate with business entities in different industries and at different levels to exchange publicity resources and help promote information and publicity.

2. Form: community convenience store, bus body, tricycle roof, parking lot, community gate, community security booth.

3. Free promotional sun umbrellas, Paper towels and paper cups for drinking water. Expand brand awareness and customer attraction effect.

4. When expanding external expansion or cross-industry alliances, an area contracting system can be adopted. The sales consultant is responsible for his own area and cooperates with car wash shops, second-hand car dealers, auto trade shops, etc. in the area ( (Assessed by the sales consultant in charge of the area), provide subsidies for referrals to cooperative merchants, provide customers with relevant replacement or mortgage subsidies, and place brand banners, roll-ups, posters and other publicity materials so that each sales consultant can Contract a fixed area or street to promote products or brands.

Case Study One: Cooperation with Driving Schools

Achieved a cooperative alliance with the management of the local driving school, allowing sun umbrellas with brand logos to be placed in the driving school and placed in the training ground Where students change trains, eye-catching advertisements are posted to attract students' attention and consultation.

Some sun umbrellas are placed next to the canteen and small restaurant where driving school students and instructors often rest, so that they can have a place to shade from the sun while they rest. At the same time, sales staff can distribute leaflets and product information nearby.

The cooperation with the driving school is very pre cise, especially for students who have just obtained their driver's license and will basically buy a car, so it must be the right time to attack.


Case Study 2: Car Moving Cards

In urban areas where parking spaces are tight, the placement of car moving cards is Very practical. Even if the parking space is occupied, the car owner's contact information is on the moving card, which is very convenient for contacting the car owner and will be relatively harmonious and polite.

Case Study 3: Sun Umbrellas

Place sun umbrellas printed with brand logo, company address, sales hotline and other information in urban convenience stores (Residential Security Booth) Outside, there is a large flow of people and exposure is very frequent, and the cost of sun umbrellas is not high (generally between 70-100 yuan), so the publicity effect is quite obvious.

Case Study 4: Community Barrier

Select a mid- to low-end community, negotiate terms with the property owner, and wrap the barrier with KT boards. , or place outdoor billboards. The company address and sales hotline are revealed on the packaging.

2. Low-cost customer acquisition


1. Use lower costs through Customize the form of touring exhibition and borrow other companies' venues to obtain resources

2. Format: peripheral touring exhibition, car wash display, car rear stickers (vehicle tailgate, rear bumper, etc.), single rear window (rear windshield) Glass), etc.

3. Car tail stickers: Make exquisite car tail stickers for stores and disseminate them locally to increase the exposure of single store information (4S store address, sales hotline, etc.), improve services, and spre ad word-of-mouth.

4. Rear window single-view sticker: Design a single-view advertisement, let customers put it on the purchased vehicle, and give customers a promise of free maintenance. Encourage company employees to promote their personal vehicles and provide fuel card subsidies.

Sponsored activities: spend a small amount of money to make a big impact. Such as: badminton competition, hiking, square dancing crowds or store naming, etc. Advertise POLO shirts for this group of people, make team flags, and designate captains to supervise them every day.

5. Community movie week activities

Choose communities with higher occupancy rates to carry out movie week activities

Before the movie starts and during the intermission, the big screen Continuously scroll and play the advertising video of the car's quality.

Place the exhibition car next to the theater for display, attracting owners in the community to come and see the car. The sales staff will take the initiative to introduce it, and every night they will collect people with the intention. Customer information, and invite some customers to come to the store for a second test drive.

3. Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Stores Project


1. Special sales personnel cooperation model, Set up exclusive sales outlets (similar to the second network)

2. Thousand Villages and Ten Thousand Stores Project, that is, establish rural information stations, enter local villages for sales tours, formulate cooperative sales performance, and deliver bicycles with sales of 1,000-2,000 yuan Commission.

3. Assuming that each 4S store provides a car and a sales consultant, and goes to each village to go to the market, it can cover all the villages and towns in the region in one month. Come again next month. If you travel more, you will become more and more familiar with the situation in each village. If you know the basics, it will be easier to sell. You can also upgrade villages to towns and require each town to post advertisements at main intersections and gas stations. , set the subsidy, that is, how much money will be given when a customer comes in, and how much money will be given after the transaction is completed.

3、What is the billboard at the new car license plate in the 4S store?
A sign used for promotion or identification. The purpose of billboards is to attract consumers' attention, increase brand awareness, and promote sales. It can be used as a marketing tool to help 4S stores establish contact with consumers and provide better services.
