
一、How to use V-Ry in 3dmax to render the effect of a soft film light box, as shown in the picture
You don’t need to pay attention to anything when modeling, you just need to do what you want The model is the same. For example, you can just make this model now, and you don’t need to pay attention to anything.
This thing is mainly a material. It is actually very simple, and there is more than one method. Just use VRAYLIGHT material (self-illuminating material), and then give an up and down gradient color map. This lamp uses the The color gradient from top to bottom, from orange at the top to yellow at the bottom. It doesn't matter if you don't have an up and down gradient map, just use the UVMAP modifier to adjust the direction. For this texture, you just need to create a gradient effect in PS.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to make such a map in PS. 3DMAX has its own gradient effect. Add a GRADIENT map to the material diffuse channel, and then you can see 3 color blocks in it. These 3 The color block repre sents the gradient, and then you can make it yourself.
