
广告牌 2024-09-22 05:55:30
⓵How to adjust the door headlight timer

First pre ss the "Cancel/Resume" button of the timer to unlock the screen, then pre ss the "Calibration" button to calibrate the hour, "Calibration" button to proofread the minutes, and the "Calibrate Day" button to proofread the day of the week.

Door light timer: It is a controller that can control the door light (luminous letters) to automatically turn on and off at a scheduled time. There are many names on the market, such as timer switch, time control switch, timer, and timer. Controllers, etc., the adjustment methods are basically the same.

The relatively new door headlight timer currently on the market is the Bluetooth timer, which is an upgrade based on the push-button timer. It adds a Bluetooth connection module, and the Bluetooth is connected to the mobile phone, with a range of 15 meters. The switch is wirelessly controlled through the WeChat applet. Up to 30 groups of on and off can be set, which can be accurate to the second. It has a power-off memory function.

Illuminated character timer: A controller that controls the automatic timing on and off of door heads, signboards, luminous characters, light boxes, etc., whether it is a luminous character timer, door headlight timer, billboard timer, Advertising word controllers and other products are of the same type, with different names and basically the same usage methods.

What are the types of door headlight timers?

The types of door headlight timers include on-delay timers and off-delay timers. Timers, hold-on delay timers and pulse timers, etc.