
My car was hit by a billboard, what should I do?

If your car is hit by a billboard, you should contact the insurance company, so that the insurance company can still pay part of the money to the car owner, which can reduce the car owner's losses.

In many cities or regions, there are many huge billboards in the urban area. These billboards are relatively easy to fall down after strong storms. If your advertising car happens to be parked near a billboard, your car may be damaged. If you purchase car damage insurance, the insurance company will still pay.

There are two types of car insurance, one is compulsory traffic insurance, and the other is business insurance. Compulsory traffic insurance is compulsory to purchase by the state. All cars that can legally drive on the road need to purchase compulsory traffic insurance. In addition to compulsory traffic insurance for their cars, most car owners also purchase commercial insurance for their cars.

Commercial insurance has many types of insurance, and commercial insurance also has many main insurances and additional insurances. If you do not purchase the main insurance, you cannot purchase additional insurance separately. For example, car damage insurance is the main insurance, then glass breakage insurance is an additional insurance, water-related insurance is also an additional insurance, and scratch insurance is also an additional insurance.

If you do not purchase car damage insurance, you cannot purchase separate water-related insurance, separate glass breakage insurance and scratch insurance. Therefore, when car owners purchase commercial insurance, they must choose based on their driving skills, usage environment, and car maintenance prices. When parking, try not to park near tall buildings or huge billboards.

Should there be a penalty for damaged license plates?
[Abstract] Nowadays, many new models without license plates are driving in the streets and alleys of Suqian. Some vehicles with 4S store billboards ignore traffic rules. , wantonly changing lanes, speeding or even running red lights. This phenomenon has existed for a long time and has hidden dangers, and relevant departments should pay more attention to it. …
Nowadays, many new cars without license plates are driving in the streets and alleys of Suqian. Some vehicles with 4S store billboards ignore traffic rules, change routes arbitrarily, speed or even run red lights. This phenomenon has existed for a long time and has hidden dangers, and relevant departments should pay more attention to it.
Investigation Notes:
“Look, this speeding car is an unlicensed car.” Mr. Sun pointed to a car passing by and said, “Now that Suqian’s economy has developed, there are people driving every day. Many new cars are driving on Danbu Road, and they ignore traffic regulations under the cover of temporary license plates. "Why are unlicensed vehicles so bold?
Xiao Qiang, captain of the Second Squadron of the First Brigade of the Municipal Traffic Patrol Police, said, “Before a new car obtains a formal license plate number, it should obtain a temporary license plate at the vehicle management office, and the road violations of the temporary license plate will not be recorded in the vehicle violation management System. In other words, unless a vehicle with a temporary license plate is seized on site, no records of speeding, running a red light, illegal parking, etc. will be left in the system. "
The reporter visited and found that there are problems with the temporary license plates of many new cars. . "In order to avoid traffic penalties, some car owners use expired temporary license plates and swagger through the city." Shao Jing, a traffic policeman of the Second Squadron, said that the temporary license plates are paper, and many car owners do not affix the temporary license plates as required and hang them incorrectly. Placing the card on the operating table, in the tool box, leaning half-upright against the windshield or simply with its back facing up are all errors. Once discovered, you will be deducted 6 points and fined 200 yuan.”
"From January 1, 2010, all new cars are required to have a temporary number plate affixed to the front and rear windshields." Officer Shao said that during his daily duty, he found that most new cars did not have the license plates. The new regulations require the affixing of temporary vehicle number plates. Some car owners even hide the temporary number plates and only take them out when they are interrogated. In addition, there are also situations where license plates are missing or expired. "Last month, we investigated and dealt with a vehicle that had expired license plates, and its license plate had expired for 5 months."
According to Xiao Qiang, in view of the current "rampant" phenomenon of violations of license plates, The Ministry of Public Security has issued new regulations: in the second half of this year, vehicles with temporary license plates that violate regulations will be deducted 12 points and fined 200 yuan. In addition, in order to further strengthen the use management of license plate installation and sealing devices. If the number plate is damaged, altered, illegible, non-reflective, or the number plate is not firmly sealed, or if a removable or reversible number plate holder is installed or used, the vehicle owner should be ordered to correct it on the spot and punished in accordance with the law.
