
广告灯 · 2024-09-23 22:07:55
壹、What material is used for the barrier light box?

1. Check whether the panel is smooth, soft and elastic. The whiteness should be like mutton fat and crystal clear. It also needs to be cold and light-resistant.
2. The barrier light box should be light in weight and easy to change. It does not use nano-materials and elastic materials
3. Look at the shape and choose the one with V-shaped upper and lower parts (triangles do not deform in mechanics) and O-shaped ones. It will be deformed in the middle.
The barrier light boxes professionally produced by Xingda Light Box Factory (KouKou 464797659) have the following characteristics:
Lightweight, ultra-light weight breaks through the weight limit of large-area light boxes.
Wind-resistant, can Resistant to level 8 wind force, breaking through the limit of stability of large-area light boxes. Anti-collision, using lightweight nano-synthetic elastic box material, it can quickly recover from external force without damaging the main body.
Light-transmitting, using high-brightness 12V safe voltage waterproof LED light strips to be more conspicuous at night to highlight the advertising effect







