Which company belongs to a billboard that fell down in Kunming, Yunnan?

本文目录一览⒈Introduction to Kunming Shen Shen Advertising Co., Ltd.
Kunming Shen Shen Advertising Co., Ltd. was established in November 2008. It is a compre hensive professional advertising company with systematic brand building promotion and one-stop marketing execution as its core advantages. company.
The company was formerly the creative strategy center of Kunming Fengchi Media Co., Ltd. of TOM Outdoor Media Group. The company’s general manager and executive creative director Yang Jie (formerly the creative deputy general manager of Fengchi Media) has won the Asia Pacific Times Advertising Award. Gold Award, China Golden Great Wall Gold, Silver, Bronze Award, China Public Service Advertisement Gold Award, China Corporate Image Golden Finger Award and other top creative awards, top 50 creative directors in China, professional awards across planning, advertising, design, posters, public service advertisements and other categories There are more than one hundred and sixty items in total. The company team has outstanding professionals in the industry, excellent advertising professional strength and rich experience in serving large customers.
The company has rapidly emerged and developed in the local market based on the concept of "everything is for brand progress". At pre sent, the company's main business scope includes brand research and hosting, product research and development cooperation, brand concept organizing and brand visual construction hosting , advertising positioning analysis, advertising strategy formulation, advertising creative performance, advertising material production, media planning and agency, public relations promotion planning and execution, exhibition planning, design and execution, space planning, design and execution, etc.
Team members have accumulated a large number of excellent customers and cases in actual development, and organized and implemented the Greater Mekong Subregion Leaders’ Meeting (GMS), 9+2 Conference, Western China Cultural Industry Expo, Pan Asia Image construction and promotion of high-level government activities such as forums, long-term service to local big brands such as Hongyun Honghe Group, Yunnan Baiyao Group, and Dianhong Group, and successively served City Urban Investment, Nan Phosphorus Group, and 14th Metallurgical Corporation in the fields of brand and advertising promotion , Yuntianhua Group and other large state-owned enterprises. Customer industries cover many fields such as government, tourism, real estate, tobacco, medical beauty, biopharmaceuticals, culture and education, fast-moving goods, etc.
With excellent professional quality and pragmatic and sincere service concepts, the company will strive to create more market competitive brands for customers by integrating resource advantages, and strive to become the most competitive local brands. The organization strives to move forward.

⒉What is the meaning of black and white on a street sign in Kunming?

Recently, a photo of a merchant’s plaque with “white text on a black background” sparked heated discussion in WeChat Moments. On March 27, reporters discovered through visits that many stores along the streets in Xishan District of Kunming, including Xunjin Street, Shulin Street, Huancheng Road, etc., had been replaced with uniform plaques, mostly with black characters on a gray background or white characters on a black background. Not only are the colors and shapes the same, they also use the same font.

Many merchants whose plaques were replaced told reporters that since last year, the Xishan District Government has uniformly replaced the plaques of merchants, and the construction unit is responsible for the implementation. This replacement of plaques was not notified in advance, and There is no charge.

Many merchants complain about the “one size fits all” approach to plaque design

Some merchants say they don’t care about uniform plaques, while others think they don’t look good.

Near the original woolen mill on Huancheng West Road, the owner of an electric vehicle repair shop in operation said that it was replaced for free anyway, and it didn’t matter if the Qifan happened to be replaced.

Boss Li, who rented 90 square meters and is selling some daily necessities, told reporters that his monthly rent is about 7,000 yuan. "There was no discussion before the plaque was replaced. It was directly replaced by the government. And it has been nearly a year since it was replaced, and it has not affected business."

But some merchants believe that merchants hanging plaques and The important purpose of a logo is to facilitate customer recognition and leave a deep impre ssion on people, so the use of color and font design are very particular when making it. “It’s unified into one color and font, and it’s hard to tell which one is which.”

The reporter also saw at the scene that in order to attract the attention of passing people, some businesses besides hanging unified plaques Another "unique" plaque was hung below the plaque.

The owner of "Zhaotong Xiaoqingjian Meat and Eggplant Skewers" said that the plaques were changed last year. "We just spent 800 yuan to make a sign. Unexpectedly, we couldn't use it and had to throw it away. If we had told us earlier, we wouldn't have wasted money." In addition, he said that the plaque "doesn't look good and doesn't look good." Conspicuous".

Citizens: The same color combinations are weird

Businesses on some road sections in Xishan District have replaced them with uniform plaques made in a unified manner. What do citizens think?

A citizen surnamed Wang was a little uncomfortable with the "black background with white characters" plaque. He thought: "The pre vious different types of plaques did look a bit messy, but this black background with white characters is a bit weird. It's a taboo. "Yeah, it looks like a funeral."

"The black characters on the gray background are a bit ugly. I hope we don't make the same style shop signs anymore." Li came to buy sports lottery tickets on Huancheng West Road. The gentleman doesn't like such a plaque either.

“It’s too uniform. I still hope that the plaques of different merchants can reflect different characteristics, which are both beautiful and elegant.” Ms. Liu, a citizen, suggested.

Kunming Xishan District will continue to carry out compre hensive improvement of the city appearance and environment in the three sub-district offices of Xiyuan, Jinbi and Fuhai, and will improve billboards, facades and bright lights. Improve urbanization, cleaning, and sanitation blind spots to better enhance the appearance of the city.

⒊Where are the billboards in Kunming?
Confucian Temple Straight Street, directly opposite the Confucian Temple, or next to the Jingxing Flower and Bird Market. Old Kunming people should know the location. If you can't find a taxi to the Confucian Temple, cross the road opposite An old street is Wenmiao Street.

⒋Where can I make billboards in Kunming North City
1. Weitu Advertising Production Center
Address: No. 13, Hongkang Road
2. Kunming Xufeng Advertising Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 438, Yunshan Village, Panlong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province (next to the World Expo Park)
