Tutorial on how to write billboard display boards

+△+How to design a large display board

How to design an eye-catching large display board?

The key to designing large-scale display boards is to grasp the principles of simplicity and clarity. Imagine you're dealing with a small image rather than a giant ad to ensure your message is conveyed at any distance. The first order of business was to streamline the content and use white space to create a focal point, like a stage in a cluttered environment, to make the message stand out.

Take a successful case as an example, keep the picture simple and use a short title such as "one word" or "two words" so that it can quickly attract attention even from a distance. Font selection should be clear and easy to read, such as thick monochrome fonts, black or bold red, which create strong contrast on a white background and cannot be ignored.

Clear images are crucial, choose objects with clear outlines and avoid complex backgrounds found in natural environments. For example, an image of a cheetah with an artificially subtracted background will attract the viewer's attention more than one in its natural environment.

For close reading areas, you can add some detailed text, but make sure the font size is comfortable to read within 3 feet (about 1 meter), such as 48-60pt. Maintain size consistency to create a unified visual effect for the series of display panels.

For display signs that are not viewed at close range, such as billboards and street signs, the information should be concise and clear, with strong color contrast to avoid confusion with the background. For example, oversized wall panels use high-definition photos and well-sized fonts to guide the viewer's eye upward, mimicking the design of a magazine page.

Promotional billboards need to consider the pre ferences of target customers. The layout of fonts and pictures should coordinate with each other. For example, place the fonts on top of the photos to create a fashion magazine feel while maintaining the fonts. Simple and not crowded.

In general, the key to designing large-scale display boards, no matter what the purpose, is to grasp the principles of simplicity, clarity and contrast to ensure that information can be effectively conveyed at any distance. Guide the viewer's eye while maintaining overall visual coherence.

ˋ^ˊ〉-#How to practice outdoor billboards
In the advertising industry, outdoor billboards, as a media for transmitting advertising information outdoors, have been widely used because of their intuitive and convenient display functions. Outdoor billboards generally include brackets and advertising graphics. Large billboards require a certain structural strength and cannot withstand large winds and all directions. Below we will introduce how to make outdoor billboards.
1. Measurement
The production of outdoor billboards requires measurement and calculation based on the performance of the billboard to be made, such as double-sided or single-sided, length, width and height dimensions , steel plate thickness requirements, of course, necessary heightening must be done when measuring the height, because billboards need to choose different heights according to different locations.
2. Reasonably design billboards
Based on customer needs, billboard production includes drawing design, size, material thickness, welding or determined position, etc. As well as the customer's specific requirements for billboards, such as wind resistance level, earthquake resistance level, etc., they need to be confirmed after communication with the customer and written into the design drawings.
3. Carry out actual operation
Billboard production company In fact, this step is the last step in billboard production. As long as the designed drawings are arranged for cutting and folding Just bend, grind, weld, and install. Of course, this also requires experienced masters, because it involves many details. Return to Sohu to see more
