3D animation of the entire construction process of anti-aircraft gun billboards

I、Where is the more professional advertising company in Jiahewanggang, Baiyun District? Such as decorating door signs, luminous characters, background walls, etc.
Door LED luminous characters, door signs, facade sign characters, shop surface luminous characters-mall signs-Guangzhou Advertising Company
Guangzhou Zhonger Advertising It is an advertising company specializing in the design, production and installation of billboards. Its main business is Guangzhou billboards, advertising signs, Guangzhou signboards, LED luminous characters, LED lighting engineering, LED advertising light boxes, foot massage shops, steaming shops, etc. Signboard lighting design for leisure places, large billboards and LED lighting projects for hotels, guesthouses, nightclubs, real estate signs, luminous characters for clothing stores, brand chain store billboards, beauty salon image back walls, overall outdoor advertising design for the building materials market, compre hensive city gates Unified planning of head signs, unified production of village committee door signs, luminous characters for car repair shops, catering billboards
Main business:
(1) Billboards: door signs, store signs , store signs, company signs, light box signs, chain store billboards
(2) Outdoor billboards: large characters on the roof, billboards on the roof, blister light boxes at the door, floor-standing billboards, construction site walls, Outdoor signs, double-sided anti-aircraft gun billboards, roof signs, wall advertising, steel structure welding, etc.
(3) Company image advertising: company front desk conference background wall, corporate culture advertising production, stage background Wall, corporate background wall, company front desk LOGO characters
(4) Advertising characters: LED three-dimensional luminous characters, brushed stainless steel characters, crystal characters, mirror stainless steel characters, titanium characters, copper characters, three-dimensional characters, stainless steel back-lit characters , aluminum letters, metal paint letters, etc.
(5) Lighting projects: professional building lighting, building lighting, night scene lighting, LED flood lighting projects, venue lighting, large neon lights, digital tube lighting, factory lighting , Digital tube lighting project
(6) Identification signs: professional identification signs, display signs, floor identification signs, bronze medals, medals, department signs, corrosion signs, signboards, publicity boards, cultural exhibition signs, Subways, airport stations, luminous signs, vertical guide signs, floor number plates, company nameplates, safety signs, high-end epoxy signs, public facility signs, street furniture, exhibition hall decoration
In Hao Unpre pared I met you unexpectedly. This is something I never dared to think about. I never expected that I would meet you like this on the first day I arrived in this city. It was just that look back, that smile, and those sweet words. It's not towards me, you didn't notice my existence at all, but how could I forget this familiar voice.
On the first day I arrived in this city, I walked out of the airport, took a taxi and went straight to the branch. I explained my work matters and asked my colleagues to take me to the accommodation pre pared by the company. The environment was good and I was very satisfied. After placing my luggage, I looked at the time and saw that it was still around 5 o'clock, so I thought about going out for a walk. GZ City, which I had not seen for many years, was actually very familiar to me. I once had wonderful memories of this city. The girl from there is still living here. This area is really close to the subway. There are many bus stations and there are many people. I walked to the subway station. In fact, I really didn’t know where to go. I was thinking about it. Do you want to get together with your old buddies? Wow, there are so many people here and I have to queue up to buy tickets. Suddenly I don’t want to go. I find my mobile phone and pre pare to contact the driver (an uncle assigned by the company) to ask about the traffic conditions. I just want to take a taxi. Just then a voice sounded, so familiar. I turned around and saw that it was indeed her. She was walking two or three meters away from me while saying hello to a girl in the subway. After she finished, she turned around to talk to the girl behind her. Her smile was very sweet and beautiful. I really wanted to rush up and hug her, but I didn’t dare. She probably still hated me and probably wouldn’t forgive me. Thinking of this, I just stayed there and watched their figures disappear into the subway station. It's okay not to see you, but I felt restless when I saw him. I didn't feel like going shopping anymore, so I walked back to my residence. I thought a lot along the way Suddenly, the company called me and asked us to have dinner together. We all got to know each other well on the first day. In fact, Most of the people in the branch know each other and have contacts in the head office. To be honest, I don’t want to go to this meal. I’m not in the mood. Alas, I have to go again, and I end up drunk

II、The main advantages of outdoor advertising

The advantages of outdoor advertising:

1. High reach rate

Through strategic advertising Media arrangement and distribution, outdoor advertising can create ideal reach. According to ZenithOptimedia's survey, the reach rate of outdoor media ranks second after TV media. Combining the target group in a certain city, correctly choosing the publishing location, and using the right outdoor media, you can reach multiple levels of people within the ideal range, and your advertising can match the rhythm of life of the audience very well.

2. Strong selectivity for regions and consumers

On the one hand, outdoor advertising can choose advertising forms according to the characteristics of the region, such as in commercial streets, squares, and parks. , choose different advertising forms on vehicles, and outdoor advertising can also be set according to the common psychological characteristics and customs of consumers in a certain area; on the other hand, outdoor advertising can provide fixed consumers who often move around the city in this area. Repeated publicity creates a strong impre ssion.

3. Strong visual impact

The ancient method of erecting giant billboards in public places has been practiced for thousands of years, showing its effectiveness in conveying information and expanding influence. effectiveness. A giant billboard set up in a prime location is a must-have for any company that wants to build a lasting brand image. Its directness and simplicity are enough to fascinate big advertisers around the world.

4. Rich and colorful forms of expre ssion

In particular, the development of high-altitude balloon advertising and light box advertising has given outdoor advertising its own characteristics, and these Outdoor advertising also has the function of beautifying the city appearance. The effect of these advertisements and the city appearance is integrated, which often makes consumers accept the advertisement very naturally.

5. The content is simple. Outdoor advertising can avoid interference from other content and competing ads.

6. Long release period

Many outdoor media are released continuously and around the clock. They stand there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This feature makes it easier for the audience to see it and can easily see it, so it lasts forever according to the needs of customers.

7. Low cost per thousand people

Outdoor media may be the most value-for-money mass media. Although its prices vary, its cost per thousand (that is, the media fee required for each thousand viewers) is interesting compared with other media: spotlight billboards are $2, radio stations are $5, Magazines are $9 and prime time TV is $1,020! But in the end, customers focus more on the cost per thousand people, that is, the cost per thousand viewers.

8. More acceptable

Outdoor advertising can make better use of the blank psychology that consumers often have in public places when walking and sightseeing. At this time, some beautifully designed advertisements and the colorful and changing light of neon lights can often leave a very deep impre ssion on people, attract a higher rate of attention, and make it easier for them to accept advertisements.

Extended information:

Disadvantages of outdoor advertising

1. Small coverage

Because most locations If it is fixed, the coverage will not be very large and the promotion area will be small. Therefore, when setting up outdoor advertising, special attention should be paid to the choice of location. For example, billboards are generally set up in places with high population density and high mobility. Airports, train stations, and ship terminals have a large floating population traveling from north to south, so they can be used for national advertising.

2. The effect is difficult to evaluate

Since outdoor advertising targets people who are active outdoors, and these people are mobile in nature, its acceptance rate is difficult to estimate. And people are always exposed during activities, so the gaze time is very short, even only a fraction of a second. Sometimes people may be exposed to many outdoor advertisements at the same time, so to achieve advertising effects, it is necessary to make people visually Stay, this is very important.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Outdoor Advertising
