
+ω+What is the phone number of Oushi Business Service (Foshan) Co., Ltd.?

The contact information of Oushi Business Service (Foshan) Co., Ltd.: company phone 0757-86203451, company email [email protected], the company has 4 contacts in Aiqicha method, including 1 phone number.

Company introduction:
Oushi Business Service (Foshan) Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province on August 22, 2018. Its registered address is located in Guicheng, Nanhai District, Foshan City Room 2201-2208, 22nd floor, Glory International Financial Center, No. 25 Ronghe Road (residence declaration).

Qu Yongjun, the legal repre sentative of Oushi Business Service (Foshan) Co., Ltd., has a registered capital of 15 million (yuan) and is currently in business.

View more business information and information of Oushi Business Service (Foshan) Co., Ltd. through Aiqicha.
