⑴How to set up a stall on the roadside?
1. Choose a business that you are good at or familiar with
Roadside stalls make money, but you must be able to operate and select products. Know what you want to do, and before deciding what to do, you must think about its market and profit margins.
Just like when we make fried rice, first of all we all think that our fried rice is pre tty good. In addition, there is a market for fried rice. Many office workers have no food to eat after get off work and it is too expensive to go to restaurants. Fried rice can be diversified and the taste can be diversified. The key is that it is affordable.
2. Choose a good location
No matter what you do, the location of your business is very important. Roadside stalls don’t have so much advertising and publicity. What’s important is that there’s a lot of traffic, and the things you sell must be attractive and arouse others’ desire to buy. Without a good location, no matter how good things are placed there, no one will look at them, let alone buy them.
Before selling something, you must first conduct a thorough inspection, at least four or five times, at different points in time.
3. There must be advertisements
Roadside stalls generally have a large flow of people, so you need to advertise well so that others will know what you are selling. If you are there quietly, others may not notice you at all.
When we were cooking rice, we used a small speaker so that anyone passing by could hear it. In addition, we also made a billboard and stood it in front of the stall. The billboard showed the types and prices of fried rice, coupled with exquisite pictures.
4. The price is affordable and fixed
A very important point for roadside stalls is that the price should be affordable and the price should be fixed. It cannot be the same price every time. Bargaining is very time-consuming. The price is based on market conditions and must be affordable and fixed. After all, it is a roadside stall. There are no store fees, rent, labor, etc. The price must be affordable. If it cannot be sold at the same price as the store, there will be no business. There is no way the environment at a roadside stall can be compared to that in a store. If the food is expensive, people might as well go to the store to consume, as the environment is much more comfortable.
Final summary:
Any industry has its own way, and if you operate it carefully, you will definitely make money. Practice makes perfect in everything. Explore slowly and be willing to learn, which can help you grow.
In addition, harmony makes money, and there should be no friction with anyone, so that business can come and go and last for a long time.
⑵How to set up a fruit shop that is too far from the road
You can use billboards in conspicuous places to launch daily fresh fruit activities. If the door is spacious, you can put a large parasol and place it Mini seats are provided for pedestrians to rest, thus attracting passers-by to enter the store for shopping.

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