
一、Lightbox advertising design requirements_Advertising lightbox design and production

Lightbox advertising

1. Uniqueness

The object of lightbox advertising is dynamic Pedestrians receive product information through visual advertising images, so the design must compre hensively consider the three factors of distance, perspective, and environment. In large empty squares and on road sidewalks, when the audience is 10 meters away, it is more convenient to see objects 5 meters above the head. Therefore, the first step of design is to determine the location and size of the advertisement based on the three factors of distance, viewing angle, and environment. Common outdoor light box advertisements are generally rectangular or square. When designing, we must determine according to the specific environment to coordinate the appearance of the outdoor advertisement with the background and create visual beauty. The shape does not have to be uniform, it can be diversified, and the size should also be determined according to the size of the actual space and environmental conditions. For example, the street signs in Italy are not very big and are consistent with its ancient streets. Lightbox advertising should focus on creating a good gaze effect, because the basis of advertising success comes from the contact effect of gaze.

2. Indicative

Since the audience is a moving pedestrian, the location and time of the audience passing the advertisement must be taken into consideration in the design. Pedestrians are not willing to accept cumbersome images. Only by unexpectedly attracting the attention of pedestrians with concise images and revealing forms can the audience be attracted to watch the advertisement. Therefore, the design of light box advertisements should pay attention to reminders, with pictures and texts, with images as the mainstay and text as the auxiliary. The text should be simple and clear and should not be lengthy.

3. Simplicity

Simplicity is an important principle in light box advertising design. The entire picture and even the entire facility should be as simple as possible. The design should be original and always adhere to the minimum number of elements. And the principle of fineness is kept in mind, trying to leave ample room for the audience's imagination. We must know that consumers' attention to advertising is inversely proportional to the amount of information on the screen. The more complex the image is, the more confusing it will be for the audience; the simpler the image, the higher the attention value of consumers. This is exactly what simplicity does.

4. Planning

Successful lightbox advertising must have its own strict plan like other advertising. If advertising designers do not have certain goals and advertising strategies, advertising design will lose its direction. Therefore, when designers create advertising ideas, they must first conduct market research, analysis, and forecasting activities, and on this basis, formulate the graphics, language, colors, objects, publicity levels, and marketing strategies of the advertisement. Once advertisements are released to society, they will not only play a leading role in the economy, but also act in the field of consciousness, playing a subtle role in real life. Therefore, designers must be responsible for their own work so that their works can play a positive aesthetic role.

5. Reasonable graphics and copywriting design The aesthetic principles of graphic design should be followed in outdoor advertising design.

Graphics can attract people’s attention best, so graphic design is especially important in outdoor advertising design. Graphics can be divided into two forms: advertising graphics and product graphics. Advertising graphics refer to graphics related to the advertising theme (characters, animals, plants, appliances, environments, etc.), while product graphics refer to product graphics to be promoted and introduced in order to reproduce the appearance and style of the product so that the audience can see it clearly Its appearance and internal functional characteristics. Therefore, we should strive to be concise and eye-catching when designing graphics. Graphics should generally be placed in the visual center, which can effectively catch the viewer's attention, guide them to further read the advertising copy, and stimulate resonance. In addition to graphic design, it must also be equipped with vivid copywriting design, so as to reflect the authenticity, communication, persuasion and agitation characteristics of outdoor advertising. Advertising copy plays a very prominent role in outdoor advertising, and good copy can play the finishing touch. Its design is completely different from the advertising copy design of newspapers, magazines and other media, because people cannot have more time to read in a flowing state, so outdoor advertising copy strives to be concise and powerful, usually with one sentence (theme language) eye-catching Just remind the audience and attach a few short and powerful sentences to accompany the article. The theme language design should generally not exceed ten characters, pre ferably seven or eight characters, otherwise the reading effect will be relatively reduced. Generally, copywriting content is divided into several parts such as title, body text, slogan, and accompanying text. We must try our best to be concise and concise, count one as ten, cherish words like gold, think over and over again, be easy to read and remember, be humorous, and have appeal. Only in this way can outdoor advertising be full of appeal and vitality.

二、The store is going to make a light box, how to write the slogan?
Advertising is a fusion of art and science, and advertising slogans often play the finishing touch in advertisements. Here are some types of creative expre ssions listed below for your reference: (I want to inspire you) 1. Compre hensive type: The so-called compre hensive type means "unification", which repre sents the enterprise in a general way. For example: XX Service Company uses "Your needs are our pursuit" as its advertising slogan. 2. Suggestive type: that is, do not state directly, but use indirect language to imply. For example, Gillette Blade: "Give you a refreshing morning." 3. Pun type: a pun, which not only introduces the product, but also has a deep meaning. For example, a watch store uses the advertising slogan "One look, one talent, one falls in love at first sight", which is very popular among couples. 4. Warning type: Warn consumers with "transversal" words to cause unexpected surprises. There is an advertisement for a skin cream that says: "You must need it after the age of 20." 5. Metaphorical type: using a certain interest as a metaphor to create a sense of intimacy. For example, the toothpaste advertisement says: "Twice a day, plus once before a date." 6. Irony type: Use irony to cleverly expre ss product features, which often makes people more impre ssed. For example: toothbrush advertising slogan: "Don't pull out a hair"; typed advertising: "No fight, no acquaintance." 7. Economical: Emphasis on being economical in terms of time or money. "The speed of a plane, the price of a truck." If you are going to fly, of course you will choose this airline. "Twice the effect, half the price", of course such a cleanser will also be very popular??/P8. Emotional type: Use lingering and relaxed words to expre ss your feelings to consumers. There is a coffee shop with the slogan "Come and sit when you have time" as its advertising slogan. Although it is just a simple sentence, it touches the hearts of many people. 9. Rhythmic type: Poetry-like rhythm, easy to read and remember. For example, the advertising slogan of Gujing Gong Liquor: "It's a joy to meet friends and friends, and Gujing Gong wine meets close friends." 10. Humorous type: Advertise with witty and humorous sentences to make people accept the product happily. For example, the advertisement for insecticide: "The real murderer"; the advertisement for athlete's foot potion: "makes the feet no longer 'gas'"; the advertisement for electric fan: "my reputation is blown out".
