Is the elevator advertising changer tired?

1、How much does elevator advertising cost per month?

As of February 2020, elevator advertising generally costs between 1,000 and 2,000 yuan per month.

When placing elevator advertisements, you need to pay attention to the following:

1. The content is core

As mentioned above, this is an era filled with various advertisements. Consumers After receiving too much advertising information, I began to become more and more "forgetful".

So now there is less and less time left for advertising. Advertising needs to grasp a core and promote it with purpose. Otherwise, the more content there is, the harder it will be for consumers to remember. Too much information content will make consumers filter, so if there are too many key points, it means there are no key points. The content is simple and grasping the core points is the key.

2. Adhere to the same positioning

Brands mainly have their own firm advertising positioning, so remember to "go back and forth". You can't stick to your positioning for a long time, and it's harder for consumers to understand and remember you, or they don't have time to remember you at all.

Insisting on positioning also gives yourself a fixed label to reduce consumers’ memory costs. Just like when we think of car safety, we think of Volvo. This is the two-way binding of labels and brands. Therefore, when placing elevator advertisements, establish your own positioning and stick to it, so that subsequent placements can be promoted more easily.

3. Control the placement time

The placement time of elevator advertisements may seem random, but it is affected by many factors. The best time to launch is not the peak season of your industry, but the time node that suits your own store. Or promotions, or the eve of store celebrations, any time that is unique to your store is the best time to put it.

If you must place ads during the peak season of the industry, remember that the best time is to warm up before the peak season. Furthermore, many advertisers always have a trying mentality to launch elevator advertisements. As everyone knows, elevator advertising media is a form of advertising media that depends on time. Short-term advertising cannot achieve immediate results, so it should be reasonably extended. time.

Extended information:

Elevator advertising placement skills:

1. Design the advertising content

Elevators are the only way for people to go home after get off work in modern cities, so they have become an advertising carrier with a very high frequency of contact. The environment in the elevator is very closed, and generally people will take the initiative to go there in a short period of time. Receive content on elevator ads.

So if you want to attract their attention, you must pay attention to the design of the advertising content. It must not only have a beautiful picture, but also have a good advertising creativity. Only such advertising will not disgust and disgust the audience. Only by rejecting can you truly accept your advertisement psychologically.

2. Interact with the audience

Some customers have large age differences, so they may have many different suggestions. Therefore, only by improving the attractiveness of your advertisements and providing interaction can you achieve the ideal advertisement in the minds of customers and improve the conversion effect of your advertisements.

3. Providing appropriate rebate rewards

Today’s advertising forms are no longer limited to a single static model, and pay more attention to interaction with users and mobilizing their enthusiasm.

Nowadays, many businesses are paying more and more attention to this, so you can often see the emergence of many rebate activities for users. Proper rebates are given to those who lead the money, which can greatly increase people's enthusiasm for publicity. , let them help pay attention to the corresponding product sales in daily life, and bring more cooperation opportunities to both parties.

2、In many residential areas, there are advertising signs in the elevators. Who should get these advertising fees?

In modern society, advertisements are everywhere. In addition to advertisements on TV, newspapers and magazines, we are also surrounded by all kinds of advertisements in the living space around us. For example, you will see all kinds of advertisements on the walls of subways, bus stations, and pedestrian streets. Everyone is familiar with them, and the only difference is whether you see them or not. The rest have nothing to do with us.

However, Miaozi Financial Planner wants to talk about a kind of advertisement, but it is closely related to everyone's interests, and that is the elevator advertisement in residential areas. Many people will say that elevator advertisements are not the same as advertisements at subway and bus stations. Do they have anything to do with us?

If someone feels that it has nothing to do with them, then Miaozi Financial Planner would like to ask a question, where does the elevator advertising fee go?

According to my country's "Property Rights Law", elevators are the common property of the owners, and the advertising fees earned by using the elevator advertising space belong to the owners. However, this money has become part of the property company's income, and the property company needs to give the owner an explanation.

As for the whereabouts of advertising fees, a relevant person from a property management company in a community said that the cost of elevator advertising is tens of thousands of yuan per year. The property management company, with the approval of the community owners committee, uses it to make up for the shortfall in property fees. Obviously, this statement is unconvincing.

The property charges admission fees for advertising, but the owners are unaware of it

According to Miaozi Financial Planner’s understanding, this kind of thing is not an isolated case. In Taiyuan City, Shanxi There is a community on Xuefu Street. As soon as you enter the gate, you will see a real estate advertisement on the car barrier. Next to the gate, the advertisement of the tourism company is very eye-catching on the community light box. Not only these, but also advertisements are hung on the entry and exit gates, community water fountains, and the elevator room of less than four square meters, including store promotions, fitness and financial management information. In addition, scrolling light boxes and multimedia TV advertisements are also "permanent residents" of the community.

The staff of the community property company said that since the property company has already collected the admission fee for the advertising company’s billboard, the advertising business will no longer be involved. As for how much the admission fee is, the staff member Reluctant to disclose. In another community not far away, the property management staff pre sented a price list for the exclusive agency advertising in the elevator car of the community. The staff of this property company said that after the advertising company obtains these advertising agencies, they can use them themselves or sublease them, and they will not interfere.

Many property owners said they knew nothing about the property companies charging advertising admission fees.

Revenues from community advertising should be shared by all owners

According to relevant laws, regulations or contracts, property management companies are service enterprises and they only accept payments from owners. Entrust professional management of properties in a specific area and receive corresponding compensation. According to the provisions of the Property Law, in the absence of special agreement, the property company only provides services for managing the community. These services include managing the environment, security, sanitation, etc. in the community. Other related rights and interests should be shared by all owners. For example, the common area of ​​a community belongs to all owners, and any use of the common area for advertising without the consent of the owners' meeting constitutes an illegal act.

Some lawyers said that the common property income of community owners and the income from public areas should be the public income of all owners in the community, and should be shared and jointly managed by the owners, including the exterior wall advertisements of the community. Revenue, elevator advertising revenue, etc. Unless there is an explicit contract agreement between the owner and the property company, this part of the equity will be assigned to the property company.

Owners should take up legal weapons to safeguard legitimate rights and interests

Miaozi Financial planners found that it is not easy to protect rights. Many community owners say that most of the current residents in the community do not know each other, and housing sales will also lead to changes in owners, so it is difficult to organize an owners meeting and then elect a property committee that truly repre sents the interests of the owners.

In addition, it is not easy for owners to change property management companies. According to the "Property Management Regulations", the selection and dismissal of property service companies requires the consent of half of the owners. Due to the lack of organization among owners, owners are often in a weak position in the game with property companies.

Does that mean that the owner has no choice but to give up this part of his rights? In this regard, the lawyer said that residents of the community have the right to know and benefit from the income from public areas, and the property company should promptly disclose the income list and provide details to the owners. Once the property management company infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the owners, the owners can file a complaint with the relevant authorities or sue in court. To put it bluntly, you need to be serious about safeguarding your rights. Using legal means to safeguard your rights can not only get your legitimate rights and interests that belong to you, but also have a demonstrative effect on promoting the process of rule of law.
